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Stub to record today’s reference
- Bhargav Bhatt, Peter Scholze, Prisms and Prismatic Cohomology, preprint (2019) arXiv:1905.08229
moving section on the antithesis interpretation in linear logic to its own page at antithesis interpretation
Started something to record today’s article
a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-sections of relevant entries (such as at supergeometry and fermion), for ease of synchronization
Mike Stay kindly added the standard QM story to path integral.
I changed the section titles a bit and added the reference to the Baer-Pfaeffle article on the QM path integral. Probably the best reference there is on this matter.
Create a page for this theorem (mostly copied the text from initial algebra of an endofunctor).
I have incorporated Jonas’ comment into the text at pretopos, changing the definition to “a category that is both exact and extensive”, as this is sufficient to imply that it is both regular and coherent.
I edited the formatting of internal category a bit and added a link to internal infinity-groupoid
it looks like the first query box discussion there has been resolved. Maybe we can remove that box now?
The pages apartness relation and antisubalgebra disagree about the definition of an antiideal: do we assume or ? Presumably there is a similar question for antisubgroups, etc. In particular, the general universal-algebraic definition at antisubalgebra would give as the definition (since is a constant and is a nullary disjunction), contradicting the explicit definition of antiideal later on the same page.
Does this have something to do with whether -openness is assumed explicitly or not? The page apartness relation claims that, at least for antiideals, openness is automatic as long as the ring operations are strongly extensional. But antisubalgebra assumes openness explicitly, in addition to strong extensionality of the algebraic operations.
Finally, do we ever really need the apartness to be tight?
I have expanded and edited moment map.
A method in integrable systems.
FRT approach to quantum groups
New pages quantum linear group, quantized function algebra (redirects also quantized coordinate ring) and quantized enveloping algebra which refer to certain special cases of a general family of notions of quantum group.
one more from Meissner & Nicolai, last week:
I have expanded the Idea-section at deformation quantization a little, and moved parts of the previous material there to the Properties-section.
I think the second sentence below needs to have the phrase “torsion-free” added to it twice. Right? I’m going to do that.
a) The category of -rings is monadic and comonadic over the category of of commutative rings.
b) The category of -rings is monadic and comonadic over the category of of commutative rings.
added reference to dendroidal version of Dold-Kan correspondence
Stub a page for what has been called “the most important law”, “the only unbreakable law”, and a generalization of both Amdahl’s and Brooks’ laws. While this is important to software engineering, it’s applicable to any engineered system, and Conway 1968 uses all sorts of infrastructure to make their point alongside software-specific examples.
stub for braid group statistics (again, for the moment mainly in order to record a reference)
Have added to cyclic set a pointer to notes from 1996 by Ieke Moerdijk where the theory classified by the topos of cyclic sets is identified (abstract circles).
This is an unpublished note, but on request I have now uploaded it to the nLab
I have also added a corresponding brief section to classifying topos.
By the way, there is an old query box with an exchange between Mike and Zoran at cyclic set. It seems to me that this has been resolved and the query box could be removed (to make the entry read more smoothly). Maybe Mike and/or Zoran could briefly look into this.
have added pointers to Alex Hoffnung’s preprint to tetracategory, tricategory, span and (infinity,n)-category of spans.
Created a stub for this concept, as I think it’s important to distinguish between coherence theorems and strictification theorems, as, while they are related, they are not the same, and their relationship can be quite subtle. I plan to expand this page and move some content over from coherence theorem soon.
added an Idea-section to coherence theorem for monoidal categories just with the evident link-backs and only such as to provide a minimum of an opening of the entry
added to gravity references discussing the covariant phase space of gravity, as part of a reply to this TP.SE-question
I have tried to brush-up existential quantifier a little more. But not really happy with it yet.