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    • brief category:reference entry on Bredon’s book, for ease of hyperlinking

      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • After typing [[fixed point]]-spaces in various entries, I finally decided that “fixed point space” should have an entry of its own, with some comments and further pointers, if only for ease of hyperlinking.

      v1, current

    • Here’s a page untouched for a while – 2009. First person pronouns still being used.

      diff, v23, current

    • Added the statement on existence of right adjoints that only requires the target to be locally small.

      diff, v9, current

    • Added some more words to this entry, mentioning the homotopy category and pointed homotopy classes.

      diff, v4, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • Removed the following discussion to the nForum:

      Zoran Škoda: But there is much older and more general theorem of Hurewitz: if one has a map p:EBp:E\to B and a numerable covering of BB such that the restrictions p 1(U)Up^{-1}(U)\to U for every UU in the covering is a Hurewicz fibration then pp is also a Hurewicz fibration. But the proof is pretty complicated. For example George Whitehead’s Elements of homotopy theory is omitting it (page 33) and Postnikov is proving it (using the equivalent “soft” homotopy lifting property).

      Todd Trimble: Yes, I am aware of it. You can find a proof in Spanier if you’re interested. I’ll have to check whether the Milnor trick (once I remember all of it) generalizes to Hurewicz’s theorem.

      Stephan: I wonder if this trick moreover generalizes (in a homotopy theoretic sense) to categories other that Top\Top; for example to the classical model structure on CatCat?

      diff, v7, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • added pointer to the original reference (as kindly supplied by Dmitri over at Lie derivative):

      • Élie Cartan, Leçons sur les invariants intégraux (based on lectures given in 1920-21 in Paris, Hermann, Paris 1922, reprinted in 1958).

      Also cleaned up some text in this entry here.

      diff, v6, current

    • I am unhappy with Lie derivative. In the previous version it defined the Lie derivative as a secondary notion, using the differential and the Cartan homotopy formula (for which I finally created an entry). I have added a bit mentioning vector fields etc. and a formula using derivatives for forms but this is still not the right thing. Namely, in my understanding the Lie derivative is a fundamental notion and should not be defined using other differential operators, but by the “fisherman’s derivative” formula. Second it makes sense not only for differential forms but for any geometric quantities associated to the (co)frame bundle, and in particular to any kind of tensors, not necessarily contravariant or antisymmetrized. For this one has a prerequisite which will require some work in nnLab. Namely to a vector field, one associated the flow, not necessarily defined for all times, but for small times. Then for any tt one has a diffeomorphism, which is used in the fisherman’s formula. But fisherman’s formula requires the pullback and the pullback is usually defined for forms while for general tensor fields one may need combination of pullbacks and pushforwards. However, for diffeomorphisms, one can define pullback in both cases, and pullback for time tt flow corresponds to the pushforward for time t-t. To define such general pullback it is convenient to work with associated bundles for frame or coframe bundle and define it in the formalism of associated bundles. In the coframe case, this is in Sternberg’s Lectures on differential geometry (what returns me back into great memories of the summer 1987/1988 when I studied that book). So there is much work to do, to add details on those. If somebody has comments or shortcuts to this let me know.

      However, there is a scientific question here as well: what about when frame bundle is replaced by higher jet bundles, and one takes some higher differential operator for functions and wants to do a similar program – are there nontrivial extensions of Lie derivative business to higher derivatives which does not reduce to the composition of usual Lie derivatives ?

    • Added a reference:

      A coordinate-free treatment first appeared in

      • Harley Flanders, Development of an extended exterior differential calculus. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 75:2 (1953), 311–311. doi.

      diff, v11, current

    • Discovered this old stub entry and boosted it up a little.

      diff, v4, current

    • Having encountered the third reference here, I was looking to find out what it was about, and got as far as this stub.

      Seems to tie in interestingly with fracture squares and localization, so probably some modal HoTT about.

      v1, current

    • Removing an old discussion:

      Is there a reason that you moved these references up here? We need them especially for the stuff about morphisms below. —Toby


      Eric: What would a colimit over an MSet-valued functor F:AMSetF:A\to MSet look like?

      Toby: That depends on what the morphisms are.

      Eric: I wonder if there is enough freedom in the definition of morphisms of multisets so that the colimit turns out particularly nice. I’m hoping that it might turn out to be simply the sum of multisets. According to limits and colimits by example the colimit of a Set-valued functor is a quotient of the disjoint union.

      Toby: I think that you might hope for the coproduct (but not a general colimit) of multisets to be a sum rather than a disjoint union. Actually, you could argue that the sum is the proper notion of disjoint union for abstract multisets.

      diff, v38, current

    • Added section on irreflexive comparisons, which generalises linear orders in constructive mathematics


      diff, v15, current

    • starting something, in order to have a place where to record the splitting over vector bundles SESs over paracompact spaces.

      (Still need to add a more canonical reference…)

      v1, current

    • This is a short article with a definition of the category of filters, now called the category of filters.

      I apologise for vandalising by mistake the article on filters, and thanks to Richard Williamson for fixing this. I tried to “edit a current page .. in context on a relevant page” misunderstanding the intructions from HowTo:

      How to start a new page

      You do this in two steps, the first of which may have already been done:

      Create a preliminary link (represented by a question mark) by editing > a current page and putting the name of the new page in double square brackets


      v1, current

    • added brief mentioning of the vertical tangent bundle and statement of the splitting formula

      TP(π *TB) P(T πP) T P \;\simeq\; \big( \pi^\ast T B \big) \oplus_P \big( T_\pi P \big)

      diff, v11, current

    • am starting something. So far this is just a glorified pointer to today’s informative:

      • Paolo Gambino, Martin Jung, Stefan Schacht, The V cbV_{c b} puzzle: an update (arXiv:1905.08209)

      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • I have tried to improve the list of references at stable homotopy theory and related entries a bit. I think the key for having a satisfactory experience with the non-\infty-categorical literature reflecting the state of the art, is to first have a general but quick survey, and then turn for the details of highly structured ring spectra to a comprehensive reference on S-modules or orthogonal spectra. So I have tried to make that better visible in the list of reference.

      I find that for the first point (general but quick survey) Malkiewich 14 is the best that I have seen.

      Of the highly structured models, probably orthogonal spectra maximize efficiency. A slight issue as far as references go is that the maybe best comprehensive account of their theory is Schwede’s Global homotopy theory, which presents something more general than beginners may want to see (on the other hand, beginners often don’t know what they really want). In any case, I have kept adding this book reference as a reference for orthogonal spectra, joint with the comment that the inclined reader is to chooce the collection \mathcal{F} of groups as trivial, throughout.