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2-category 2-category-theory abelian-categories adjoint algebra algebraic algebraic-geometry algebraic-topology analysis analytic-geometry arithmetic arithmetic-geometry book bundles calculus categorical categories category category-theory chern-weil-theory cohesion cohesive-homotopy-type-theory cohomology colimits combinatorics complex complex-geometry computable-mathematics computer-science constructive cosmology definitions deformation-theory descent diagrams differential differential-cohomology differential-equations differential-geometry digraphs duality elliptic-cohomology enriched fibration foundation foundations functional-analysis functor gauge-theory gebra geometric-quantization geometry graph graphs gravity grothendieck group group-theory harmonic-analysis higher higher-algebra higher-category-theory higher-differential-geometry higher-geometry higher-lie-theory higher-topos-theory homological homological-algebra homotopy homotopy-theory homotopy-type-theory index-theory integration integration-theory k-theory lie-theory limits linear linear-algebra locale localization logic mathematics measure-theory modal modal-logic model model-category-theory monad monads monoidal monoidal-category-theory morphism motives motivic-cohomology nforum nlab noncommutative noncommutative-geometry number-theory of operads operator operator-algebra order-theory pages pasting philosophy physics pro-object probability probability-theory quantization quantum quantum-field quantum-field-theory quantum-mechanics quantum-physics quantum-theory question representation representation-theory riemannian-geometry scheme schemes set set-theory sheaf simplicial space spin-geometry stable-homotopy-theory stack string string-theory superalgebra supergeometry svg symplectic-geometry synthetic-differential-geometry terminology theory topology topos topos-theory tqft type type-theory universal variational-calculus

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    • Added a reference to the following which provides a proof of the Arnold conjecture

      • Mohammed Abouzaid, Andrew J. Blumberg, Arnold Conjecture and Morava K-theory, (arXiv:2103.01507)

      diff, v24, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • added to tmf a section that gives an outline of the proof strategy for how to compute the homotopy groups of the tmftmf-spectrum from global sections of the E E_\infty-structure sheaf on the moduli stack of elliptic curves.

      A point which I wanted to emphasize is that

      1. The problem of constructing tmftmf as global sections of an \infty-structure sheaf has a tautological solution: take the underlying space to be SpectmfSpec tmf.

      2. From this tautological but useless solution one gets to the one that is used for actual computations by one single crucial fact:

        In the \infty-topos over the \infty-site of formal duals of E E_\infty-rings, the dual SpecMUSpec M U of the Thom spectrum, is a well-supported object. the terminal morphism

        SpecMU* Spec M U \to *

        in the \infty-topos is an effective epimorphism, hence a covering of the point.

      Using this we can pull back the tautological solution of the problem to the cover and then compute there. This is what actually happens in practice: the decategorification of the pullback of SpectmfSpec tmf to SpecMUSpec M U is the moduli stack of elliptic curves. And it is a happy coincidence that despite this drastic decategorification, there is still enough information left to compute 𝒪Spectmf\mathcal{O} Spec tmf on that.

    • I added a clearer “The idea” section for Adams operation, and changed the word “functorial” to “natural” in a number of places, because while various sources do say the Adams operations are functorial, they must really be natural transformations from the functor K:TopAbGpK: Top \to AbGp to itself.

      diff, v10, current

    • Create a new page to keep record of PhD theses in category theory (with links to the documents where possible), particularly older ones that are harder to discover independently. At the moment, this is just a stub, but I plan to fill it out more when I have the chance.

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • added various references, notably on computation of graviton scattering amplitudes.

      diff, v15, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.


      v1, current

    • Added section on Cluster spaces, which generalize Convergence spaces.


      diff, v29, current

    • adding the reference and doi link for the second article


      diff, v4, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • I moved most of the contents of the material from preconvergence space to a different article, since “preconvergence space” is evidently defined in the existing literature as a different thing than what the original article says.

      I also added a disclaimer at the top of the page that the name of the article is just a placeholder name.

      v1, current

    • added table of contents and section headers and a link to filter article in a related concepts section


      diff, v4, current

    • I’m not entirely happy with the introduction (“Statement”) to the page axiom of choice. On the one hand, it implies that the axiom of choice is something to be considered relative to a given category CC (which is reasonable), but it then proceeds to give the external formulation of AC for such a CC, which I think is usually not the best meaning of “AC relative to CC”. I would prefer to give the Statement as “every surjection in the category of sets splits” and then discuss later that analogous statements for other categories (including both internal and external ones) can also be called “axioms of choice” — but with emphasis on the internal ones, since they are what correspond to the original axiom of choice (for sets) in the internal logic.

      (I would also prefer to change “epimorphism” for “surjection” or “regular/effective epimorphism”, especially when generalizing away from sets.)

    • Added a literature reference to icon. Started some systematic notes on icons for monoidal-enriched bicategories, which I am currently using for something. Think the broken-off state of that section is not intolerable, in particular since I have seen similar work in progress on the nLab. Intend to continue them soon.

    • Noticing that the term “gauge field” used to conflictingly be redirecting both to “gauge theory” and to “field (physics)”, neither of which is satisfactory as a redirect, I am giving the term its own entry hereby.

      But it’s just a stub entry for now.

      v1, current

    • am experimenting with this overview table, eventually meant to be !include-ed into relevant entries

      v1, current

    • Here is old discussion that used to be in the entry graph and which hereby I am moving to the relevant talk-page (i.e.: the nnForum thread with the same title as the entry, namely this one).

      [begin forwarded discussion]

      Obsolete discussion may also be found in the History at Version 24.

      Toby: OK, I've completely redone the page above; this is how it looked before. In particular, I am defining things case by case, rather than choice by choice (88 cases, rather than 33 choices with 22 options each). Feedback please!

      (One obvious possibility is that the best style of definition is a mixture of the two previous styles: doing undirected and directed graphs separately, but in each case listing the two choices —loops or no loops, multiple edges or no multiple edges— as I had done before.)

      Eric: Ugh. I see that quite some discussion went on here and I’m late to the party. This page is not beautiful nor remotely nn-categorical in my opinion. We already had a page that I was very happy with on directed graphs.

      Isn’t there some way to state very simply:

      A graph is a functor…

      Here is a humble attempt…

      +– {: .un_defn}


      An abstract graph XX is a category with

      • one object X 0X_0, called the object of vertices;

      • one object X 1X_1, called the object of edges;

      • one morphism e:X 1???e : X_1 \to ???, called the ???;

      • together with identity morphisms.

      A graph is a functor G:XG: X\to Set.

      More generally, a graph in a category CC is a functor G:XCG : X \to C. =–

      Toby: First, it depends on what kind of ’graph’ you mean.

      Let's take a simple undirected graph. Then the answer is no, since the definition of a simple graph is not (despite the name) as simple as the definition of digraph (directed pseudograph). Whereas a digraph consists of just VV, EE, and d:EV 2d: E \to V^2, a simple graph consists of VV, EE, and an injection d:E(V2)d: E \to \left({V \atop 2}\right). The two problems here are: how do you say that dd is an injection? and how do you describe a function E(V2)E \to \left({V \atop 2}\right) in terms of functions among VV and EE? (A map EV 2E \to V^2 can be done; that's the same as two maps EVE \to V.) You can describe these things more internally, of course (say by replacing ’injective function’ with ’monomorphism’), but there's no category XX such that a simple graph is precisely a functor from XX to SetSet.

      In fact, the only kind of graph above that can be defined as a functor from XX to SetSet for some fixed ’abstract general’ category XX is directed pseudograph, the kind of graph discussed at digraph. Between that, and the fact that every strict category has an underlying digraph, it's no surprise that this is the sort of graph that category theorists like. But it's not the sort of graph that graph theorists like so much!

      It would be worth discussing what sort of graphs can be internalised in what sort of categories. Those graphs that allow loops are easier; I think that I can do them! For the graphs without loops, I haven't even decided what's the best way to phrase the definition in constructive mathematics. (Luckily it doesn't matter for finite graphs.)

      [forwarded discussion continued in next comment]

    • For now creating page, more to be added soon.

      v1, current

    • while bringing some more structure into the section-outline at comma category I noticed the following old discussion there, which hereby I am moving from there to here:

      [begin forwarded discussion]

      +–{.query} It's a very natural notation, as it generalises the notation (x,y)(x,y) (or [x,y][x,y] as is now more common) for a hom-set. But personally, I like (fg)(f \rightarrow g) (or (fg)(f \searrow g) if you want to differentiate from a cocomma category, but that seems an unlikely confusion), as it is a category of arrows from ff to gg. —Toby Bartels

      Mike: Perhaps. I never write (x,y)(x,y) for a hom-set, only A(x,y)A(x,y) or hom A(x,y)hom_A(x,y) where AA is the category involved, and this is also the common practice in nearly all mathematics I have read. I have seen [x,y][x,y] for an internal-hom object in a closed monoidal category, and for a hom-set in a homotopy category, but not for a hom-set in an arbitrary category.

      I would be okay with calling the comma category (or more generally the comma object) E(f,g)E(f,g) or hom E(f,g)hom_E(f,g) if you are considering it as a discrete fibration from AA to BB. But if you are considering it as a category in its own right, I think that such notation is confusing. I don’t mind the arrow notations, but I prefer (f/g)(f/g) as less visually distracting, and evidently a generalization of the common notation C/xC/x for a slice category.

      Toby: Well, I never stick ‘EE’ in there unless necessary to avoid ambiguity. I agree that the slice-generalising notation is also good. I'll use it too, but I edited the text to not denigrate the hom-set generalising notation so much.

      Mike: The main reason I don’t like unadorned (f,g)(f,g) for either comma objects or hom-sets is that it’s already such an overloaded notation. My first thought when I see (f,g)(f,g) in a category is that we have f:XAf:X\to A and g:XBg:X\to B and we’re talking about the pair (f,g):XA×B(f,g):X\to A\times B — surely also a natural generalization of the very well-established notation for ordered pairs.

      Toby: The notation (f/g/h)(f/g/h) for a double comma object makes me like (fgh)(f \to g \to h) even more!

      Mike: I’d rather avoid using \to in the name of an object; talking about projections p:(fg)Ap:(f\to g)\to A looks a good deal more confusing to me than p:(f/g)Ap:(f/g)\to A.

      Toby: I can handle that, but after thinking about it more, I've realised that the arrow doesn't really work. If f,g:ABf, g: A \to B, then fgf \to g ought to be the set of transformations between them. (Or fgf \Rightarrow g, but you can't keep that decoration up.)

      Mike: Let me summarize this discussion so far, and try to get some other people into it. So far the only argument I have heard in favor of the notation (f,g)(f,g) is that it generalizes a notation for hom-sets. In my experience that notation for hom-sets is rare-to-nonexistent, nor do I like it as a notation for hom-sets: for one thing it doesn’t indicate the category in question, and for another it looks like an ordered pair. The notation (f,g)(f,g) for a comma category also looks like an ordered pair, which it isn’t. I also don’t think that a comma category is very much like a hom-set; it happens to be a hom-set when the domains of ff and gg are the point, but in general it seems to me that a more natural notion of hom-set between functors is a set of natural transformations. It’s really the fibers of the comma category, considered as a fibration from CC to DD, that are hom-sets. Finally, I don’t think the notation (f,g)(f,g) scales well to double comma objects; we could write (f,g,h)(f,g,h) but it is now even less like a hom-set.

      Urs: to be frank, I used it without thinking much about it. Which of the other two is your favorite? By the way, Kashiwara-Schapira use M[CfEgD]M[C\stackrel{f}{\to} E \stackrel{g}{\leftarrow} D]. Maybe comma[CfEgD]comma[C\stackrel{f}{\to} E \stackrel{g}{\leftarrow} D]? Lengthy, but at least unambiguous. Or maybe fE I g{}_f {E^I}_g?

      Zoran Skoda: (f/g)(f/g) or (fg)(f\downarrow g) are the only two standard notations nowdays, I think the original (f,g)(f,g) which was done for typographical reasons in archaic period is abandonded by the LaTeX era. (f/g)(f/g) is more popular among practical mathematicians, and special cases, like when g=id Dg = id_D) and (fg)(f\downarrow g) among category experts…other possibilities for notation should be avoided I think.

      Urs: sounds good. I’ll try to stick to (f/g)(f/g) then.

      Mike: There are many category theorists who write (f/g)(f/g), including (in my experience) most Australians. I prefer (f/g)(f/g) myself, although I occasionally write (fg)(f\downarrow g) if I’m talking to someone who I worry might be confused by (f/g)(f/g).

      Urs: recently in a talk when an over-category appeared as C/aC/a somebody in the audience asked: “What’s that quotient?”. But (C/a)(C/a) already looks different. And of course the proper (Id C/const a)(Id_C/const_a) even more so.

      Anyway, that just to say: i like (f/g)(f/g), find it less cumbersome than (fg)(f\downarrow g) and apologize for having written (f,g)(f,g) so often.

      Toby: I find (fg)(f \downarrow g) more self explanatory, but (f/g)(f/g) is cool. (f,g)(f,g) was reasonable, but we now have better options.


    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • The first paragraph had a link to “fiber functor”, which takes one to the very same page.

      diff, v8, current

    • How would people feel about renaming distributor to profunctor? I seem to recall that when this came up on the Cafe, I was the main proponent of the former over the latter, and I've since changed my mind.

    • added to supergeometry a link to the recent talk

      • Mikhail Kapranov, Categorification of supersymmetry and stable homotopy groups of spheres (video)
    • A stub, for the moment just to have a place for recording a couple of references (which were previously at fusion category.

      v1, current

    • At closed subspace, I added some material on the 14 operations derivable from closures and complements. For no particularly great reason except that it’s a curiosity I’d never bothered to work through until now.

    • starting page on σ\sigma-pretopological spaces


      v1, current

    • for ContinuousFunctionsDetectedByNets, the backwards direction had an indirect proof. I added a direct one.


      diff, v37, current

    • starting page on unified topologies


      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • Copy-pasted the very explicit definition added to the page “monoidal category”.

      diff, v7, current

    • Added link to “multiplicatively cancellable semi-ring”.

      diff, v32, current

    • Added a simpler example of a nontopological pretopological space, modified from a remark by Mike Shulman.

      diff, v11, current

    • I tried to prettify the entry topological space a bit more:

      • made an attempt at adding an Idea-section (feel free to work on that, it’s just a quick idea motivated more from the desire to have such a section at all than from an attempt to do it any justice).

      • collected the three Definition-sections to subsections of a single Definition-section

      • polished and expanded the Standard definition section.

    • Wikipedia has a nice article on quantum operations.

      The nLab also had a page quantum operations and channels (cache bug?), but I’ve renamed this to simply quantum operation since a quantum channel seems to be nothing but a quantum operation when viewed from the perspective of quantum information theory. Eventually, this page might need some disambiguation since there may be several uses of the term, but for now I think it is “ok”.

      I think this page can be cleaned up. I started, but don’t think I will be able to finish.

      In particular, there is some background material that might be better on separate pages. I’ll continue trying to clean things up, but family might be calling soon and I’ll need to run quickly whatever state it is in.

      I also made the simple statement

      In quantum mechanics, a quantum operation is a morphism in the category of density matrices

      at the beginning of the Idea section motivated by O’Loan’s comment

      A quantum channel is a mapping which sends density matrices to density matrices.

      This seems innocent enough, but someone might check the statement. For one, I’ve never seen a category of density matrices, but the idea seems obvious enough. Maybe a word on density matrix would be good.

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • changed “involution” to “anti-involution”

      diff, v61, current