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When I made inhabitant redirect to term a few minutes ago, I noticed a bunch of orphaned related entries.
For instance inhabited type since long ago redirect to inhabited set. I haven’t changed that yet, but I added some cross links and comments to make clear that and how the three
are related. The state of these entries deserves to be improved on, but I won’t do anything further right now.
Noticed there was no page for the left adjoint to joins. Added subtraction.
As a postscript to some discussion on virtual knot theory we had here a little under a year ago, I met Victoria Lebed yesterday and it turns out that she studied categorification questions (among other things) in her thesis! I’ve only skimmed it so far, but it seems very nice, and her approach to virtual braids is very much in the spirit of John Baez’s n-Café comment. In particular, the thesis shows that the virtual braid group is isomorphic to the group of endomorphisms , where is the free symmetric monoidal category generated by a single braided object . (The thesis also talks a lot about positive braids, which are interpreted in terms of “pre-braided” objects, i.e., an object equipped with a not necessarily invertible morphism satisfying the Yang-Baxter equation. This definition even allows for the possibility of “idempotent” braidings, which she mentioned in her talk yesterday.)
(hm, wait)
I have added something to causal structure, for the moment mainly so as to record references to definitions of causal manifolds and to proposals for axioms of local nets over these.
Added the page partition logic. Will breathe more life into it.
Created locally decomposable space.
At uniform space, we have 6 axioms defining a uniform structure (or 4 to define a covering uniformity); I had added an axiom 0 [ETA: which I probably got from Douglas Bridges] which is classically trivial but useful in constructive mathematics. I now think that it's wrong to insist on this axiom; rather, those uniform spaces that satisfy it should be singled out as particularly nice. A good word for this, which may be used in similar contexts related to generalizations of metric spaces, is ‘located’; and since there are no Google hits for "located uniform space"
(except for one which says ‘neatly located’ and so does not technically conflict), I am going to use that.
The result is that there are no more references to axiom (0) at uniform space; instead, we have a definition of a located uniform space.
I thought that were references to this axiom (0) on at least on other page pointing to uniform space, but the search function doesn't find any; if you do, though, then it would be nice to fix them.
Made the chemistry page slightly less stubby.
Slightly off topic but… I’ve been working on the category of recipes as side project as a way to bring the layman to category theory, the general idea also appears in Bob Coecke’s Quantum Pictoralism. In some exchanges I pointed out to Bob that recipes are just the edible full subcategory of chemistry. Btw, here’s the first ever (buggy) visual recipe made using monoidal category theory and string diagrams.
Would anyone be offended if I added in that recipes are a full subcategory of chemistry as a sidenote?
May I also start some pages on recipes… in some way? I think it really is a great way to teach people category theory. After all, everyone eats, and if you can follow a recipe, you can do monoidal category theory.
I have expanded the list of references at supersymmetry and division algebras.
I added the definition of uniformly/almost located to located subspace, as well as attempted proofs that covert and compact subspaces of uniformly regular uniform spaces are uniformly located. Unfortunately covert sets and compact spaces — as opposed to compact locales — seem to be hard to come by constructively. It would be nice to have some more concrete examples. I also don’t know what to write for the “idea” section, nor what Toby had in mind for “topologically located”.
Dennis Borisov kindly highlights this most remarkable article to me:
First of all it establishes this table here, which I gave an entry normed division algebra Riemannian geometry – table:
normed division algebra | Riemannian -manifolds | Special Riemannian -manifolds | |
real numbers | Riemannian manifold | oriented Riemannian manifold | |
complex numbers | Kähler manifold | Calabi-Yau manifold | |
quaternions | quaternion-Kähler manifold | hyperkähler manifold | |
octonions | Spin(7)-manifold | G2-manifold |
But it goes beyond that to discuss the relevant connections etc. For the moment I have included the above table in some of the relevant entries.
Had need to note down Witten’s quick argument for how brane/anti-brane annihilation suggests that D-brane charge is in K-theory: at anti-D-brane.
I gave kappa-symmetry a decent Idea-section (I hope), highlighting the super-geometric interpretation due to Sorokin et. al. Also added more references.
Urs added a picture of the Fano plane there, and I gave a description and some common notation. For some reason, whenever I wrote ($\mathbb{P}$
) it turns out slanted, which is annoying. I don’t know why.
I added to continuum hypothesis a description of Easton’s theorem, and created a page on König’s theorem. The latter could stand a number of redirects due to variant spellings.
Started SVect as it was requested by various links. But I see ’sVect’ being written too. Any preference?
Started completeness theorem.
Created covert space, a concept that is to closed maps the way overts are to open maps and compacts are to proper maps. Dubuc and Penon call covert discrete topologies “compact objects” but that seems possibly misleading in general, and “covert” seems a natural analogue of “overt” when we replace “open” by “closed”. But terminological objections are welcome…
I have put the definition of this at proper map.
I’ve slowly been filling in the article on Möbius inversion away from stub status, and also created new articles for order polynomial and for zeta polynomial.
Created a stubbish entry for Newton-Cartan structure.
The entry (eso, fully faithful) factorization system gives no support for its claim. It’s not hard to see, but needs some care. Is there a reference that we could point to, for a decent proof?
since it was requested by some entries, I have created a stub entry locally cartesian closed functor
I have added two references to induction.
Also, I added the missing (!) pointer to coinduction .
I have started a bare minimum at Frobenius-Perron dimension.
I started typing into length of an object when I felt that we had an entry on this already somewhere. Where?
I’ve created iterated inductive definitions to record the definition (in response to this MO question). I also put a link to this page from ordinal analysis.
I added to allegory a section on division allegories and power allegories.
New stub cohomology of dynamical systems.
started Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Stubby start to topological topos. Will be adding material by and by.
Hello, I was curious about how to describe involutions as algebras of a monad, so I worked it out and added some simple stuff to the article involution. As always, corrections and/or generalizations are welcome.
Made a start at applicative functor.
I started a page Eff. I need to link from ’effects’ and ’handlers’, but have a query on terminology. Is it ’algebraic effect’ rather than ’algebraic side effect’ that’s more commonly used?
Not exactly in my comfort zone, but let’s hope someone will expand this stub for effect handler.
Given that I started out poking around these constructions because of monad (in linguistics), it’s interesting to find people using algebraic effects and handlers there.
quick stub for algebraic side effect, just so as to not forget the link there
I am polishing the entry category algebra. In the course of this I noticed that there was old and long-forgotten discussion sitting there, which now first of all I hereby move from there to here:
[ begin old discussion ]
I use to stand for the free vector space on the set . This is compatible with the notation for group algebra of . Urs’ notation for the category algebra is also compatible, but in a different way.
Why is my notation better? First, because I don’t like the clunky notation for the free vector space on the set . Second, because the equation is inconsistent unless Urs is finally willing to admit that .
So what would I call the category algebra of ? I guess or . You might complain that this notation is clunky, and I’d see your point. However, it’s a fact that whenever the category algebra is important, its representation on also tends to be important — so I think the benefits of a notation that handles both structures outweigh the disadvantages of a slight clunkiness. – John
Urs says: It is good that you said this, because we need to talk about this: I am puzzled by your attitude towards vs . It is not the least a remark in your lecture notes with Mike that it is important to distinguish between a -tuply monoidal structure and the corresponding -tuply degenerate category, even though there is a map identifying them. The issue appears here for instance when discussing the universal -bundle in its groupoid-incarnation. It is
(where is the action groupoid of acting on itself). On the left we crucially have as a monoidal 0-category, on the right as a once-degenerate 1-category. In your notation you cannot even write down the universal -bundle! ;-)
Or take the important difference between group representations and group 2-algebras, the former being functors , the latter functors . This is important all over the place, as you know better than me.
Or take an abelian group and a codomain like . Then there are 3 different things we can sensibly consider, namely 2-functors
All of this is different. All of this is needed. The first one is the group 3-algebra of . The second is pseudo-representations of the group . The third is representations of the 2-group . We have notation to distinguish this, and we should use it.
Finally, writing for the 1-object -groupoid version of an -monoid makes notation behave nicely with respect to nerves, because then realization bars simply commute with the s in the game: . I think this makes for instance your theorem with Danny appear in a prettier way.
This behaviour under nerves shows also that, generally, writing gives the right intuition for what an expression means. For instance, what’s the “geometric” reason that a group representation is an arrow ? It’s because this is, literally, equivalently thought of as the corresponding classifying map of the vector bundle on which is -associated to the universal -bundle:
the -associated vector bundle to the universal -bundle is, in its groupoid incarnations,
where is the vector space that is representing on, and this is classified by the representation in that this is the pullback of the universal -bundle
In summary, I think it is important to make people understand that groups can be identified with one-object groupoids. But next it is important to make clear that not everything that can be identified is actually equal.
For instance concerning the crucial difference between the category in which lives and the 2-category in which lives.
[ continued in next message ]
created predicative topos (for the entry Bishop set to link to).
Added to reflected limit the example that fully faithful functors reflect limits and colimits (here).
We needed a page negative moment, so I started one.
for completeness: unitization
Since Urs started Freudenthal magic square, I added magic triangle. Does the ’magic pyramid’ of Duff and colleagues in A magic pyramid of supergravities warrant an entry?
Hmm, if the triangle extends the square, and the pyramid has the square as a base, shouldn’t there be a magic tetrahedron?
I have recently created an entry definable set. It is usually defined as an equivalence class of formulas satisfied by the same elements in each structure of the first order language (or model for a theory). But some works recently, like the lectures of David Kazhdan (pdf), take for granted the observation that in fact the relation of equivalence implies that the evaluation of definable sets in a model extends to a functor on the category of models and elementary monomorphismsm, say . There are now many other notions in model theory which have ’definable” as a prefix, and they do not fill uniformly in the same pattern. For example, the category of “definable spaces” and “definable continuous maps” is not the same as the functor from to topological spaces and continuous maps, though possibly some examples would probably fit in the latter description. Also some “definable” notions are for a fixed model and not functors on .
Now, Hrushovski in his 2006 work looked at definable groupoids, about which I just plan to create an entry. Now I was cautious not to say that it is simply an internal groupoid in the category of definable sets, as it is at first defined differently. Besides dealing with internal objects in a large functor category, one should possibly make care about this as well, regarding that we are dealing with a setup where one should be maybe careful about tools like large cardinals (what would be the elegant way to do?).
But in any case, the first problem (that the definition was not given as a functor) can easily be dealt.
So the definition roughly says that one has definable set of objects and of morphisms (just as we wanted), but then the structure maps like target, composition etc. should be definable functions, hence, as relations they are definable subsets of cartesian products, so when presented from as functors into the categories of sets and relations, which are functional in every model. So, now I just checked a very simple fact, specific to the category of sets and functions, that
Proposition. Given a small category and two functors the natural transformations are in 1-1 correspondence with functors such that and is a functional relation.
In other words, functoriality of is the same as being natural. That is new to me.
This immediately implies that the definable groupoid as in Hrushovski arxiv/math.LO/0603413 is (up to the delicacies dealing with functor categories) indeed an internal groupoid in the category of functors and natural transformations.
I’ve expanded Zoran’s entry on type (in model theory), with an ideas section in the language of categorical logic. I’ve also moved definitions to a definition section and briefly mentioned saturation, monster models, and how Barr-exactness of the syntactic category (i.e. elimination of imaginaries) leads to a model-theoretic account of Galois theory—there’s a grey link there which I will flesh out soon.
Hi everyone!
I’ve created relative adjoint functor, and linked to it from the local definition of adjoint functor (a partially defined adjoint yields an adjoint relative to the inclusion of a full subcategory).
and is as far as I know nonstandard notation, but I think it’s ok, even if the left subscript feels a bit kludgy. I will add more stuff in the next few days.
PS: Thanks a lot to all the nLab contributors; in the past few years I’ve learn a lot through here :) I now have the time and a little bit of confidence to contribute, so any pointers, tips, formatting, style suggestions, whatever will be greatly appreciated
There is a new personal page created with the name Debapriyay, it doesn’t look great. I haven’t got time at the moment to address it.
I had splitt-off quadratic refinement from quadratic form and expanded slightly
started a minimum at de dicto and de re, mainly such as to have a place to point to section 4 of
As promised in this thread, I’ve written up how model theorists treat Galois theory at model-theoretic Galois theory. I briefly mention the connection with the theory of internal covers and the Tannakian formalism. The proof of the fundamental order-reversing bijection between closed subgroups and intermediate extensions is essentially Poizat’s, but I don’t mention the corresponding Galois theory for the strong Stone space (types taken in ), which is the language he prefers.
I’ve also filled out necessary references at monster model, model-theoretic algebraic closure, and theory of algebraically closed fields.
I have expanded a little at CW-spectrum
at universal construction there used to be a little chat between me and Toby along the lines of "would be nice if somebody added something here".
Since I think by now we have plenty of pointers to this entry, I thought it should present itself in a slighly more decent fashion. So I removed our chat and left a stubby but honest entry.
added at exact sequence two small lemmas on forming quotients in an exact sequence
I created a short entry Banach-Alaoglu theorem to fulfil a grey link. While the general theorem is equivalent to the Tychonoff theorem for Hausdorff spaces, the case of separable Banach spaces is constructive. I do wonder how constructive, but apparently this gets used to construct solutions to PDEs, so I guess it’s quite concrete.
created a stub for dihedral homology, for the moment just so as to record a recent reference
Am starting an entry pro-manifold. Have added statement and proof that pro-Cartesian spaces are fully faithful in smooth loci (here).