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I started finite ∞-group, and added that same reference to Sylow p-subgroup.
Created extranatural transformation by moving the relevant information from dinatural transformation and adding the definition. Disagreements are welcome, but I feel that since dinaturals that aren't extranatural are so rare and harder to deal with and understand, extranaturals merit their own page.
I have been adding some more (historical) references to the entry quantum electrodynamics (also at quantum field theory, S-matrix and causal propagator)
have been writing some Idea-section at causal perturbation theory
(currently this has much overlap with locally covariant perturbative quantum field theory, eventially the latter will contain more stuff)
Stephan Alexander Spahn has created descent object, with some definitions from Street’s Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent theory.
If I get the opportunity this weekend I’ll add details from Street’s Correction to ’Fibrations in bicategories’ and Lack’s Codescent objects and coherence. Anyone know of any other references?
Looking at Street’s paper again, what he describes as the ’’ case of codescent objects looks to be just the notion of a coequalizer. I would have expected reflexive coequalizers, though, because the higher- case uses -truncated simplicial objects. Is there a reason for this?
[New thread because, although it existed since 2012, pasting scheme appears not to have had a LatestChanges thread]
Started to expand pasting schemes. Intend to do more on this soon, in an integrated fashion with digraph and planar graph.
PLEASE note: ACCIDENTALLY a page pasting schemes was created too, as a result of some arcane issues with pluralized names of pages-still-empty. Please delete pasting schemes.
created a stub for almost Kähler geometric quantization, for the moment just so as to collect some pointers.
created a stub for pseudoholomorphic vector bundle, for the moment just to record references
created a minimum at tensor product of distributions
I have given interaction picture genuine content (the entry used to be effectively empty):
gave it one section “In quantum mechanics” with the standard kind of material going from interacting Hamiltonians to the definition of the S-matrix, and then a section “In quantum field theory” with an outline of which steps in the previous discussion require special technical care and how.
In the process I expanded the entry Dyson formula. (In the end I effectively rewrote it, but now with a little broader perspective and more pointers).
at distribution there used to be a mentioning of “Colombeau algebras”. I have now removed that paragraph there, and have given it its stand-alone stub entry Colombeau algebra, expanding it slightly.
An expert might want to check. I haven’t actually looked into Colombeau algebras beyond a scanning of a review, and presently I don’t plan to delve into the topic. In fact their idea looks misguided to me.
All I mean to do here is to clean up the structure of the entry distribution (see also my comments in the thread on products of distibutions, here) while preserving what others had written before.
created point-supported distribution
created derivative of a distribution
started a minimum at main theorem of perturbative renormalization theory
[new thread since vertex seems not to have had one]]
To comply with
With few exceptions, all edits to the nLab (either the creation of a new page or the revision of an extant one) should be announced at the nForum, in the “Latest Changes” category.
and with
The only real exceptions are very minor edits such as correction of spelling mistakes or obvious typos or indisputable grammatical errors. However, because of this rule there can at times be a large volume of Latest Changes posts; thus a corollary is that Latest Changes posts at the forum should generally be kept very short and to the point. They should also include a link to the nLab page in question (links at the nForum are created with the same syntax as on the nLab itself).
in the rather new writing in the nLab I think I have to announce that a few days ago I added terminological comments to the pre-existing vertex.
I am working on Lie infinity-algebroid.
So far I have completely reworked the old Idea- and Definition-section to one new Idea-section. More to come.
(new thread since edge seems not to have had one)
To comply with
With few exceptions, all edits to the nLab (either the creation of a new page or the revision of an extant one) should be announced at the nForum, in the “Latest Changes” category.
and with
The only real exceptions are very minor edits such as correction of spelling mistakes or obvious typos or indisputable grammatical errors. However, because of this rule there can at times be a large volume of Latest Changes posts; thus a corollary is that Latest Changes posts at the forum should generally be kept very short and to the point. They should also include a link to the nLab page in question (links at the nForum are created with the same syntax as on the nLab itself).
in the rather new writing in the nLab I only now realized that it seems I have to announce that a few days ago I added terminological comments to the pre-existing edge.
This word is often discussed, in particular since it is so geometric-sounding, while graphs nowadays are often considered purely combinatorially.
Reason for the additions was something interelated with working on the nLab coverage of directed graphs, and a consequence was creating Ernst Steinitz.
I discovered that we had a one-line stub entry Klein-Gordon equation. Have given it some first minimum of content now.
I gave Fedosov deformation quantization its own entry, so far with an Idea-section putting the construction in perspective, an informal outline of how the method proceeds, and some references.
I put in a proof sketch (cribbed from Wikipedia) for the Picard–Lindelöf theorem at ordinary differential equation.
An article writing in the nLab was recently created, to give some guidelines which may help relative newcomers fit in with some of the unspoken norms that have developed at the nLab.
[new thread since “irreflexive relation” was not found among the LatestChanges threads]
A few day ago I added a standout box to irreflexive relation suggesting clarifying a notation.
I did this since there seems to be something to be clarified, but there is, as far as I can tell, nothing more to do than replace with , and
Since this appears not to have worked out, this message.
Again, it seems that is nothing else than an abbreviation, definitionally-equal to . It seems to be that this should be spelled out, the not being defined anywhere (definitely not on the page itself, and I looked around a bit), and it is at this point most probably not meant to denote an apartness-relation, distinct from the relation , i.e., is not a relation symbol, in other words, not part of the syntax, rather part of a meta-syntax.
expanded the Idea- and the Definition section at G2-manifold (also further at G2). (Still not really complete, though.) Highlighted the relation to 2-plectic geometry and cross-linked there.
Created digraph. Some background: this discussion. Created with permission, in the sense of
If you really want to split off material that is pertinent to digraphs in the graph-theorist’s sense, then I myself would have no objection to a new article “digraph”.
created electric-magnetic duality
(and dual heterotic string theory as an example)
Two days ago, I created
One reason was (I keep this notification short) something like
I am working, for pasting schemes, on plane digraphs -> working with embeddings becomes important -> a central theorem about plane graphs is of course Whitney’s theorem about unique embeddability of 3-connected planar graphs -> arguably the most well-known, but heretofore not nLab-documented theorem about planar 3-connected graphs is a theorem of Steinitz’s.
Created double pushout rewriting and pushout complement, and added a relevant lemma to adhesive category.
[ new thread since this page appears not to have had any ]
Added two references, and two quotations, one of which I cannot substantiate except for assuring you that I have a distinct recollection of it from a seminar at Hamburg.
Part of the reason for doing so was that I rather naturally stumbled upon this pre-existing nLab page, and that today I did sort-of-a-memory-exercise, during which I remembered several quotes, among them, the newly added two.
Another thing that came to mind: of course, it is not for me to make recommendations on how to write what nLab page, but just as a useful recommendation or guideline-suggestion: one way to prevent this page on Tutte becoming more or less indistinguishable from e.g. his Wikipedia page, and rather make in interestingly focused, would be to see to it that
Tutte’s crypto-work is left out of the page entirely,
Tutte’s graph-theoretic work is not made the main focus of the page,
Tutte’s homotopical and matroid-theoretic work is emphasized and documented.
I gave support of a distribution its own entry
The only content at the page Friedemann Brandt is a link which does not function any more.
(Created Phillipe Flajolet Thanks for the edits you made already.)
Changes-note. Changed the already existing page 201707071634 to now contain a different svg illustration, planned to be used in an integrated way in pasting schemes soon.
Metadata. Like here, except that in 201707071634 symbols (arrows) indicating what is to be interpreted to 2-cells are given, in the same direction as in Power’s paper.
Changes-note. Changed the already existing page 201707071626 to now contain a different svg illustration, planned to be used in pasting schemes soon.
Metadata. What 201707051600 is: relevant material to create an nLab article on pasting schemes. This is (a labelling of) the (plane diagram underlying the) pasting diagram A. J. Power gives as an example in his proof of his pasting theorem herein.
Unlike there, the 2-cells are not indicated in 201707051600.
Related concepts: pasting diagram, pasting scheme, digraph, planar graph, higher category theory.
Changed 201707051620.
Metadata. by-and-large, cf. this thread. A difference to 201707051600 is that here what A 2-Categorical Pasting Theorem, Journal of Algebra 129 (1990) calls a “boundary of the face F” is indicated by bold arrows.
EDIT: (proof of necessity of hypothesis in [A 2-Categorical Pasting Theorem, Journal of Algebra 129 (1990] and relevance to 201707051600 temporarily removed, to make it more uniform)
Changes note. Changed the already existing page 201707040601 to contain an svg illustration relevant to pasting scheme and [this thread]
Meta data. cf. [this thread]; difference is that in 201707040601 a face of the plane digraph is named and one of the two orientations of the euclidean plane is indicated by a circular gray arrows. A connection to [Power’s proof] can be seen by letting (in Power’s sense), and , and the “F” in Power’s paper.
OLD, bug-related discussion:
For some reason unknown to me, the “discussion” (actually, it is merely meant to be the obligatory “log what you do” entry), the discussion with name ‘201707040601’ that I started seems to have technical problems: the comment I entered is not displayed (to me). I would delete it, but apparently it is not possible to delete “discussions” one has started. Please do with it whatever seems most appropriate.
Changes-note. Changed the already existing page 201707051600 I created, to now contain another svg illustration, planned to be used in pasting schemes soon. Sort-of-a-permission for this is
Power’s proof of (I guess you mean) his pasting theorem would probably be very handy to have discussed at the nLab. It would seem to fit at one of pasting diagram or pasting scheme, but less well at an article on some notion of graph I think. If you could even just write down the precise definitions of these various notions, that would also be very fine in my opinion.
End of changes-note
Metadata. What 201707051600 is: relevant material to create an nLab article on pasting schemes. More specifically: to document A. J. Power’s proof of one of the rigorous formalizations of the notational practice of pasting diagrams. 201707051600 shows a plane digraph . Vertex is an -coking in . Vertex is an -king in . Connection to A 2-Categorical Pasting Theorem, Journal of Algebra 129 (1990): therein, the author calls a “source”, and a “sink”. This is fine but not in tune with contemporary (digraph-theoretic) terminology, whereas “king” and “coking” are. These technical digraph-theoretic terms will be defined in digraph.
Related concepts: pasting diagram, pasting scheme, digraph, planar graph, higher category theory.
[ Some additional explanation: it was bad practice of me, partly excusable by the apparent LatestChanges-thread-starting-with-a-numeral-make-that-thread-invisible-forum-software-bug, to have created this page without notification and having it left unused for so long. Within reason, every illustration one publishes should be taken seriously, and documented. Much can be read on this of course, one useful reference for mathematicians is the TikZ&PGF manual, Version 3.0.0, Chapter 7, Guidelines on Graphics. My intentions were well-meant, in particular to improve the documentation of monoidal-enriched bicategories on the nLab. This is still work in progress, but to get the digraph/pasting scheme project under way is more urgent. Will re-use the 201707* named pages for this purpose, for tidiness. ]
noticed that neither the entry intuitionistic mathematics nor the entry constructive mathematics even mentioned the entries type theory or setoid, for instance. I have now added these bare terms in the list of “related entries”, but maybe somebody feels like adding a little paragraph to these entries to do the issue justice?
created Tate diagonal
I wrote something short on Categories, Allegories – hopefully not too subjective.
This used to redirect to lax natural transformation, which doesn’t leave much room to talk about the strong case. So I created pseudonatural transformation and had things redirect there, although I didn’t actually make use yet of that room.
(New thread since, after a semi-cursory search, no LatestChanges thread for [path] was found.)
Added to [path] a definition of “inverse path”.
Also tried to make the definition of “Moore path” clearer. Quibblingly speaking, this term used to be defined by saying what it has, without relating it to the initial definition of “path”. I was tempted to change the definition of “path” to the one given by tom Dieck in “Algebraic Topology”, having and for the endpoints of an artbitrary interval, which in particular would make it possible to simply say “for Moore path take , ”, but then refrained, suspecting that whoever wrote it this way set store by having path to be always a space-modelled-on , which for several reasons seems more simple and systematic indeed.
Motivation is that I try to concentrate on writing an exposition of a theorem of J.A. Power, and for this, I have resolved to use a —mildly—topological writing style, and for this I in particular need to get serious about paths, and I need Moore paths.
[Incidentally, in the nLab there lives Moore path category which has much to do with a “Moore path” of the type that lives on path since its creation on September 16, 2011. Maybe one should harmonize the two “Moore path”s a little more, saying a few situating thins on either page. Yes, path already links to Moore path category, but, it seems, not the other way round. Nothing urgent here, though.]
[Incidentally, I had recourse to a footnote in path. I did not forget the advice given recently, it just seemed right here to, simultaneously,
give a reference
warn readers of some notational issues
not clutter the main text with this
and I found my hand forced by this. If this is inacceptable, you might even just say “make it into this or that format” and I’ll hopefully do so soon. Now back to pasting schemes.]
I added some discussion to the comment box at the bottom of constructive mathematics. I'd like to work those quotes in to a section called "criticism" or "opposition". Half of the reason I want to do that is so those quotes are on that page. Does anyone oppose me doing this?
I removed the footnote at adjunct (as just noted elsewhere, I don’t think footnotes are usually a good choice). I put a brief mention of the musical notation in the main text, put the example of currying in an “Examples” section, and the references in a “References” section. I removed the discussion about pronunciation entirely; I think there is no need to tell the reader how to pronounce mathematical notation, at least when it is fairly obvious (how else would you pronounce than “f-sharp”?).
had occasion to record some minimum at Borel-Moore homology
I did some cleanup at pasting law:
* *
as that produces two bullets at the beginning of the line.I would also like to rename this page to pasting law for pullbacks. I know that it’s about pushouts too, but that’s a simple dualization and we have redirects. The name “pasting law” seems overly general to me; I can imagine many different “laws” regarding many different kinds of “pasting”.
It seems that Peter recently deleted the example
The collection of “admissible” (“open”) morphisms in a geometry (for structured (∞,1)-toposes).
from two-out-of-three. Peter, I think this sort of edit should be announced at the forum. However, just looking at the page geometry (for structured (∞,1)-toposes) it seems to me that the deletion was correct: the definition of “geometry” only asks for 2/3 of 2-out-of-3 (closure under composition and left cancellability). Urs, is that right?
The next-to-latest revision of equivalence of categories had a “query” to add an “intuitively clear” example why the notion of strict isomorphism of categories is too strong to be useful. I cannot think of a better example than the category of pointed sets versus the category of partial functions. In particular since even readers who have never learned category theory are likely to have been weaned on partial functions. I have therefore started to anser to this “query” with a condensed exposition of this example. The exposition had to broken off for the time being though. I intend to finish it tomorrow, complete with a proof that the categories are not isomorphic and a brief intuitive argument why they are (to be considered) the same nevertheless.
Comments on whether you agree to use this example appreciated.
Added some structure and references to Barr embedding theorem.
Todd has some interesting thoughts on the page non-unital operad, but I couldn’t find a discussion thread for the page, so I’ll start one here.
I was recently led to what seems to be a related perspective: there is a certain skew-monoidale in the monoidal bicategory Prof, with underlying object the groupoid of finite sets and bijections. induces a lax monoidal structure on the category , and a monoid therein is precisely a symmetric operad, defined in the style used for non-unital operads (I have the impression that the definition should be attributed to Markl, as opposed to the May-style definition which only works in the unital case – right?). I hadn’t made the connection to the Day convolution that Todd uses.
One thing I find intriguing about this approach is that you don’t need to construct a whole monad (using various infinite colimits in the process) in order to set up the definitions, nor do you need to introduce a substitution tensor product which might seem ad-hoc especially if you want to vary your groupoid of arities. So it’s a kind of “minimalist” approach to generalized operads. You might also be able to use a non-groupoidal category of arities and perhaps recover notions of Lawvere theory this way.
So I was wondering – Todd, is the material at the page non-unital operad based on the existing literature, or is this something original that you put up there? Because I want to find out as much as I can about this perspective!
As you may have seen from watching the logs, I am beginning to write a page Introduction to Topology. This is meant to be in the style as the previous Introduction to Stable homotopy theory, but now for basic point-set topology, starting from scratch, with some motivation taken from analysis, and ending with basic covering space theory.
I’ll be developing this during the next months. At the moment it is skeletal. Comments are most welcome.
I added to symmetric group in the Properties section a remark about conjugacy classes given by cycle structures, here.
This deserves to be expanded on, but for the moment I just need a minimum to be able to refer to it from elsewhere.
Small quibbles at electromagnetic field - seems to be some electric and magnetic being swapped.
Edit: try now - I accidentally copied the capitalisation from the discussion topic heading and now it is fixed
I have written out a detailed classical point-set proof that the fundamental group of the circle is the integers: here.
Created unnatural isomorphism, with references.
A cleaner working out and linking between the concepts of
appears to be a worthwhile thing to do.
I redesigned cycle category, as had been requested there for some time. I'm not sure if the discussion decided whether the first definition was even correct; that discussion is now towards the bottom of the page. I also incorporated material from the erstwhile separate category of cycles.
Moved the definition of constant functor from cone to a new page constant functor.
I finally created Hensel’s lemma, using the formulation in Bourbaki’s Commutative Algebra III.4.3. I also want to put in the formulation as alluded to in this M.SE answer to an old question of mine, which is more geometric.
I also want to point out that at Henselian ring it might be worth expanding (and I can do this in a few weeks) to consider Henselian couples, where one no longer considers just the maximal ideal in a local ring, but any ideal contained in the radical. (This is a generalisation of the usual result in a different direction from Bourbaki’s, and no doubt one can form the pushout of these lemmas.) This point of view is very geometric.
There is no doubt an interesting treatment using the internal language of an appropriate topos of this circle of ideas.
Made a start at perfectoid field.
added example of uniform Cauchy sequences of (continuous) functions with values in a complete metric space: here
(possibly this is already, in more generality, in some other entry?)