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    • I’ve started filling out elimination of quantifiers, adding some initial remarks and sketching the usual proof that algebraically closed fields eliminate quantifiers.

    • I have spelled out a chunk of elementary details at Grothendieck group – For commutative monoids:

      wrote out a second version of the definiton, made explicit the proof that it is all well defined and satisfies the universal property of the group completion, added remark on how the definition simplifies in the cancellative case, and wrote out the most basic examples in some detail.

      In the course of this I created an entry cancellative monoid with a bare minimum of content.

      I also slightly re-structured the remaining bit of the entry. The small section on \infty-group completion I simply removed, because that belongs to group completion where in fact the content of the paragraphed that I removed is kept in more polished form.

    • At vector bundle all the way back from rev 1 there is a request for an entry “sheaf semantics”, at the bottom, where it says

      sheaf semantics (Kripke-Joyal semantics)

      Should we just make “sheaf semantics” redirect to Kripke-Joyal semantics?

    • at connected space I have started a section Properties with statement and proof that connected components are always closed subsets.

      at locally connected space in the Definition section I used this to write out the proof that the equivalent characterizations of local connectedness are indeed equivalent.

    • As promised (and following what has been done for topology - contents), I’ve made the previously puny model theory - contents somewhat less puny. I’ll try to fill the grey links therein before I start travelling for the summer.

    • I’ve expanded Urs’s entry on interpretation: models of theories in C\mathbf{C} are interpretations of theories in the internal logic of C\mathbf{C} are (cartesian, regular, coherent, first-order, geometric) functors out of the syntactic categories of those theories. I also mention a concrete notion of interpretation (of models—of possibly different theories—in each other) that came into use among model theorists in the 80s and 90s, when people were trying to reconstruct ω\omega-categorical theories from the automorphism groups of the countable model. I then mention some facts (I have proofs spelled out somewhere, but I’m sure they’re folklore) linking these concrete interpretations to the first notion of interpretation.

      If I recall correctly, there isn’t a unified treatment in the various pages under the contexts of type theory and categorical logic treating the adjunction between taking syntactic categories and internal logics. I’ll try to get all that down in a single page in the future.

    • At well-ordering theorem there had been a request for “transfinite arithmetic”. I have now made that a redirect to ordinal arithmetic, but this entry is nothing but a stub at the moment.

      In cross-linking, I realized that presently “arithmetic” redirects to number theory. Is that a good idea?

    • Nosing around a bit I came across the concept of absolute extensor at a neglected page quasi-finite CW-complex, so started the entry. Do people know much about this? There seems to be a related ’absolute neighborhood extensor’. Does that merit a separate page?

      Some notes are to be found here.

    • For the sake of having a reference to link to later, I’ve written diagram of a first-order structure. This is just a construction where you take a theory TT and expand it to a new theory TT' by naming one of its models MM with constant symbols for each element of MM while additionally stipulating those constant symbols have to behave like they came from MM.

      If those additional stipulations were only quantifier-free, the models of TT' are those models of TT containing MM as an induced substructure.

      If those additional stipulations were all the first-order sentences satisfied by the elements of MM, then the models of TT' are those models of TT containing MM as an elementary substructure.

    • To fill a grey link (and towards eventually writing down the characterization of the theory of the countable random graph as the expansion of the theory of an infinite set by a “generic” predicate), I created the page existentially closed model.

      The corresponding notion for a theory (“all models are existentially closed models”) has been given a page at model complete theory.

    • I have added to Michael’s theorem the statement that was apparently the first to be called “Michael’s theorem”: here

      I was going to write out the proof. But now I am out of steam.

    • I had started a stub entry fractal just so that I could link to Mandelbrot set. David C. has kindly added already references to Tom Leinsters work on fractals via terminal coalgebras.

      In reaction I have now added also a corresponding minimum Examples-section at terminal coalgebra for an endofunctor for cross-linking purposes.

    • created a minimum at Mandelbrot set, added statement and proof of the compactness

    • Some remarks and a reference to finish later at extreme value theorem. But I need to learn more about semicontinuous maps on locales.

    • Created closed map to satisfy a few links. I notice that there’s quite a lot at open map. Does any of the more general picture carry over to closed maps?

    • at separation axiom I have expanded the Idea section here, trying to make it more introductory and expository.

    • I saw tube lemma, and decided to bulk it up.

      Many books (such as the famous topology text by Munkres) give proofs which involves multiple subscripts and multiple choices; I’ve written arguments to mostly eliminate that.

    • I have written an article closed-projection characterization of compactness, so as to record a nice way of proving the Tychonoff theorem that is due to Clementino and Tholen. It’s rather direct and elementary, which doesn’t involve ultrafilters or nets or any such machinery. This might make it a possibility for a strong undergraduate classroom. (Munkres also has a proof which I haven’t cross-checked; the one I wrote up involves a smidge of categorical terminology, notably inverse limits.)

      I didn’t want to stick in the proof at Tychonoff theorem as that article might be getting a bit bloated, but I did link there to the new article.

    • I created Cantor space to record its definition as a locale, but goodness knows there is no end to what might be written about it.

    • I have given product topological space an semi-informal Idea-section that means to quickly and transparently tell the reader what they need to know.

      This is in reaction to what we presently have at Tychonoff product which presently seems needlesly intransparent for the purpose of a reader who just wants to know what the open subsets actually are.

      I was thinking about merging product topological space with Tychonoff product. I haven”t yet, but mostly just due to lack of energy.

    • The entry for infinitesimal extension said that an infinitesimal extension of rings was an epimorphism of rings with nilpotent kernel. I’ve changed this to say a quotient map of rings with nilpotent kernel. I hope this is correct: for example, localization maps are ring epimorphisms, and often have zero kernel (so in particular, nilpotent kernel) but geometrically these correspond to dense open inclusions, which are in no sense infinitesimal extensions.

    • Presently I am concerned with the following: I want to teach some basics of limits and colimits of topological spaces to undergraduates. I had tried to gently introduce some category theoretic terminology as I introduced topological spaces as such, but a little testing reveals that part of the audience would rather not see these side remarks turn out to become required reading.

      But now since all the shapes of diagrams that I’d be about to consider anyway are free, I figured I circumvent the need to speak of diagrams as functors by restricting to free domains and simply giving everything explicitly in components, with the underlying category theory again relegated to side-remarks that may be ignored at will.

      I am trying my hands at an exposition of this kind in a new entry free diagram.

      Eventually this kind of material might also be worthwhile as introductory exposition at limits and colimits by example.

    • I have a request to the logic experts:

      The entry classical logic is a bit thin. I would like to be able to point to it so that readers who don’t already know about it all, get away with a decent idea of what is meant. Might somebody have the energy to add a few lines?

      Of course I could add a few lines myself, but I imagine it would be more efficient if some expert here did it from scratch, instead of having to improve on what I would come up with.

      Especially it would be nice if the following keywords were at least mentioned and maybe briefly commented on in the entry:

      Also for instance the keyword constructive anything is presently missing from the entry.


    • added section on Russell’s relation to mysticism based on his essay Mysticism and Logic and the biography of Ray Monk.

    • I added a sentence on ’eigenfunction’ to eigenvector.

    • it seems we were lacking order topology, so I created a minimum and cross-linked a bit.

    • partition of unity, locally finite cover

      Will put up some stuff about Dold’s trick of taking a not-necessarily point finite partition of unity and making a partition of unity. There is a case when I know it works and a case I’m really not sure about - I need to find where the argument falls down because I get too strong a result. I’ll discuss this in the thread soon, and port it over when it is stable.

    • I have touched the entry K-topology. Polished the definition and spelled out in some detail why it is not regular (while clearly Hausdorff).

      The example which used to be in the entry (rational numbers with their subspace K-topology here) ends with

      This space can be used to construct a quasitopological groupoid which isn’t a topological groupoid.

      This statement should be accompanied with some reference. I suppose it refers to a construction that David R. (who wrote this back in 2010, rev #1) used in one of his articles?

    • Wrote out a proof for paracompact Hausdorff spaces are normal.

      (By the way, I also looked at TopoSpaces here to check what they offer, and am a bit dubious about their step 5. But maybe I am misreading it. In any case, I feel there is a simpler way to state the proof.)

    • I have added to Galois connection some more remarks to the Idea section, and expanded the Examples-section with the material that Todd wrote here.

    • found it necessary to split off geometric realization of categories as a separate entry, recorded Quillen’s theorems A and B there

      all very briefly. I notice that David Roberts has more on his personal web (have included it as a reference)

    • I did a little editing over at empty set; the query-box discussion of 0 00^0 looked like it could be summarized with dispatch and relegated to a remark. Revert back or re-edit if you don’t like it.

    • I noticed that the entry disjoint union had no pointer to or from either of dependent sum, dependent sum type.

      I have added the bare pointers now (no energy for more now). But this means some basic examples are missing in these entries.