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wrote the first part of a discussion of prequantized Lagrangian correspondences, showing how traditional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics are naturally absorbed into the context of “local prequantum field theory” and “motivic quantization”.
Simple as it is, but does anyone know if the proposition in the section The classical action functional prequantizes Hamiltonian correspondences has been made explicit in the literature before? I can’t find it, but it should have been discussed before. If anyone has a citation, please let me know. Of course all the ingredients of the little proof are simple classical steps, but I am wondering if this has been observed as a statement, simple as it may be, on the prequantum lift of the more famous Lagrangian correspondences.
I added the redirect anomaly to quantum anomaly to give a target to a link Zoran put on the Cafe. If this is counter to your intention for the link, Zoran, I can remove the redirect and put in a stub instead.
I added two new important references on global analytic geometry, also due to Poineau. He shows there that the sheaf of analytic functions is coherent. This is an interesting fundamental result.
started derived loop space
technical details to follow
Couldn’t find an existing “latest changes” thread for the quasifibration page (http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/quasifibration), but just wanted to remark that I put another reference in there, to a nice expository paper by Peter May.
I wrote a little piece at general covariance on how to formalize the notion in homotopy type theory. Just for completeness, I also ended up writing a little blurb at the beginning about the genera idea of general covariance.
Created lambda calculus.
I have added pointer to Mike’s discussion of spectral sequences here at “homotopy spectral sequence” and in related entries.
But now looking at this I am unsure what the claim is: has this been formalized in HoTT?
(Clearly a question for Mike! :-)
expanded the entry cofinal functor: formal definition, list of equivalent characterizations and textbook reference.
Just an editorial matter:
noticed that section did not point to space of sections and not to dependent product in the text. So I briefly added a paragraph to this extent.
How would you define the usual jargon “fragment” in logic?
There ought to be a simple formal definition, I suppose, such as “Given a language L and a theory T in that language, then a fragment of T is… “
created topological localization
added to periodic ring spectrum and to periodic cohomology theory a brief paragraph on looping/delooping periodicity on the -modules, with a pointer to this MO discussion
created anti-reduced object, for completeness
Discussion with Mike reminded me that we were lacking an entry reflective subuniverse.
I started a template and cross-linked, but now I am out of battery and time before filling in any content. Will do that tomorrow.
some bare minimum at Chaitin’s incompleteness theorem
This is to flag up two entries that so-far just have titles. They are IulianUdrea and perfectly normal space. These may need watching. The second may be ok, and be a page somone has just started and intends to continue, but the name on the second also occurs as a name on a Mo page with no questions and no answers and may be someone seeing how many wikis etc they can put stuff on! Sorry for being a nasty suspicious b*****, but it looks a bit strange to me.
(N.B., the two entries do not seem to be related.)
at diffeomorphism I started listing theorems and references on statements about when the existence of a homeomorphism implies the existence of a diffeomorphism.
I dug out ancient references for the statement that in everything homeomorphic to an open -ball is also diffeomorphic to it. What would be a more modern, more canonical, more textbook-like reference for this?
And I’d also like to cite a reference for what is maybe obvious, that if that something in is an open subset of equipped with the induced smooth structure of the standard smooth structure, then the statement is also true in that dimension.
In fact, I am looking for nice/explicit/useful diffeomorphisms from the open -ball onto the open -simplex. I can of course fiddle around and cook up something, but I haven’t found anything that would count as nice. But probably some engineer out there working with finite elements or something does have a convenient choice.
there is this new master thesis:
which discusses aspects of weak Tarskian homotopy type universes following the indications that Mike Shulman has been making, for instance at universe (homotopytypetheory). I just got permission to share this and I have now included pointers to the thesis to that entry, to type of types, etc.
Created Vopenka’s principle.
At some point I had made up the extra axiom/terminology saying that an object in a cohesive -topos “exhibits the cohesion” if the shape modality is equivalent to -localization. Now I was talking about that assumption with Mike and noticed that this didn’t have a reflection on the Lab yet.
So now I have added, for the record, the definition here at “cohesive oo-topos” and cross-linked with the existing discussion at “continuum”.
added recent AlgTop mailing list contribution on fibrant replacement of cubical sets to cubical set
started some minimum at Prym-Tyurin variety
Have added the “definition” of a symmetric monoidal -category to the entry.
walt has replied to an old question of Mike at semi-abelian category.
Urs has created page Stanisław Woronowicz on Sep 10. However there is an old page for the same person, with publication version S. L. Woronowicz in Lab, with extensive reference list which was redirecting the full name Stanisław Lech Woronowicz as well as Stanisław L. Woronowicz.
I’ve written a stub on Cole’s theory of spectrum which for the time being consists largely of references and links. Further curation or correction would be appreciated!
added to (infinity,n)-category of spans a pointer to the discussion of -categories of spans in section 10 of
David Mumford has a treasure trove of free material at his website, so I added a link to his page.
I have added several historically important references at space-time.
I created the stub children’s drawing.
I did a bit of editing (of Definition and Examples) at child’s drawing (once known as children’s drawing), to emphasize that a child’s drawing/dessin d’enfant is not simply a hypermap, but (typically) a hypermap seen as the representation of a Belyi function. I was guided by the presentation in Lando & Zvonkin 2004 (this paper by Zvonkin is also helpful), but apologies if I introduced any mistakes since I’m just learning this stuff.
Few references collected as a start of entry spectrum of a graph redirecting also Ihara zeta function, prompted by today’s remarkable paper by Huang and Yau and thereby revived memory of a colloqium talk by Bass in which I enjoyed at University of Wisconsin in late 1990s.
added to group completion a paragraph with minimum pointers to the traditional construction as group completion of topological monoids. Added a corresponding brief paragraph to K-theory of a permutative category (where this had been missing).
What is still missing (on the Lab and maybe generally in the literature) is a really clear statement that this is indeed a model for the -categorical group completion operation which is invoked at K-theory of a symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category.
One place where such a derived functor statement is made is Dwyer-Kan 80, remark 9.7 (thanks to Charles Rezk’s MO comment here). I have added pointers to that to the relevant entries, but this ought to be sorted out in more detail.
wrote something at baryogenesis
What mathematicians call the Mellin transform relating a theta function to its (completed) zeta function
is precisely what physicists call the Schwinger parameter-formulation which takes the partition function of the worldline formalism to the zeta-regulated Feynman propagator
I have tried to briefly mention this relation in relevant entries and to cross-link a bit. But more should be done.
I created a stub on Sam Gitler who has recently died. He was very important not only for his contribution to Yang-Mills theory and the Brown-Gitler spectrum, but also for his creation, with Adem of the school of algebraic topology in Mexico. (I have changed all the mentions of Gitler to be ‘active’.)
I have not yet made this change – as a newbie, I want to get an opinion first.
associative unital algebra describes an -algebra , for commutative, as a “ring under ”. From under category, this is just an object in the coslice category : a map , where is another ring. However, I believe that such a map gives an -algebra only if its image is in the center of (for example, Wikipedia). I’m not sure how to fix that. Maybe we should just remove the “under ” item from that first page. Thoughts?
since the story of the various duals, compactifications and twists of gauge field theories which constitute “Witten’s grand story” (or whatever it should be called in total) gets a bit long, I thought it would be good to have a birds-eye view digest of it – and so I created a survey table
gauge theory from AdS-CFT – table
and included it into some relevant entries.
(There is clearly still room for expansion and further details, but maybe it’s a start).
finally created a minimum at Dirichlet theta function, cross-linked with Dirichlet character and Dirichlet L-function and added it to the table (bottom left entry)
(I have gotten a funny problem with my Opera browser having trouble loading nLab pages. Something makes it choke. For instance when I try to edit a page it tends to show me a blank screen, but when I then go to edit the same page with another browser, then that informs me that the page is locked, so Opera did get to that point, but then got stuck. This happens since the last few days. I tried clearing caches, but it didn’t seem to help. Hm. )
Someone set up a new page with title www.fuw.edu.pl/~slworono/PDF-y/OP.pdf. It seems that this is an attempt by Stanisław Lech Woronowicz to create a nlab entry. Should we just convert it to a usual format page for him? The pdf file is a copy of his paper:Operator theory in the -algebra framework., joint with K.Napi ́orkowski.
started some bare minimum at Spin Chern-Simons theory
had added some minimum at moduli space of framed manifolds.
Are there any general results characterizing moduli of -framings on -manifolds?
brief entry holomorphic line 2-bundle, just to have the link and to record the reference there
added at Beilinson regulator a section Geometric constructions such as to finally give a canonical home to the pointer to Brylinki’s article that David Roberts keeps highlighting (in other threads).
started something at Friedlander-Milnor isomorphism conjecture. But handle with care, I am only just watching the video linked to there.
Added a stub at Waldhausen K-theory of a dg-category. I call this the Waldhausen K-theory and not simply K-theory because I imagine that there should also be a more intrinsic definition not passing through Waldhausen categories or stable infinity-categories.
created classical anomaly
started some minimum at vacuum amplitude. Briefly mentioned relation to a) generating functionals for correlators and b) to zeta functions and c) to expected evanishing in supersymmetric theories
Remarked that in view of b) and c) one is tempted to expect some relation between 1-loop vacuum amplitudes of supersymmetric field/string theories with the Riemann hypothesis. Added a pointer to the article ACER 11 which seems to find just that.
If anyone has further pointers to literature relating vanishing of susy 1-loop vacuum amplitudes and (generalized) Riemann hypotheses, please drop me a note.
created a table-for-inclusion and included it into the relevant entries:
zeta-functions and eta-functions and theta-functions and L-functions – table
Presently it looks like this:
The main statement of this analogy is discussed for instance on the first pages of
I have added some paragraphs at eta invariant, accordingly.
started some minimum at vacuum energy, but running out of battery now.
started some minimum at Mellin transform
This here to collect resources on the observation that – in view of pertinent arithmetic/differential-geometry analogies – an Artin L-function of a Galois representation looks like the zeta function of a Laplace operator of a Dirac operator twisted by a flat bundle.
I currently see this in the literature in three steps:
the Selberg zeta function, which is originally defined as some Euler product, is specifially equal to an Euler product of characteristic polynomials (just as the Artin L-function). This turns out to be due to Gangolli77 and Fried86, and I have collected these references now at Selberg zeta function – Analogy with Artin L-function with a cross-linking paragraph also at Artin L-function itself
more specifically, those characteristic polynomials are those of the monodromies/holonomies of the given group representation, regarded as a flat connection. This is prop. 6.3 in Bunke-Olbrich 94.
finally, that product over characteristic polynomials of monodromies is indeed the zeta function of the bundle-twisted Laplace operator. This is the main point in Bunke-Olbrich 94, somehow, but I still need to fiddle with extracting a more explicit version of this statement.
I made a start on regular representation (via a stub from normalizer). My first thought was to made this a generic regular representation page so I put in definitions for groups and algebras.
Once I’d created the page I thought that it could be said to be an example of a more general thing whereby a monoid acts on itself. However, someone’s already editing the page (that was fast!) so I’ll have to wait to put that in.
(Unless the anonymous coward reads this and decides to put it in themselves!)
Updates to zeta function.