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starting something, to go along with third stable homotopy group of spheres
I added to Tim’s stub on cellular homology. Still a bit rough around the edges perhaps. An example (say real projective space) would also be nice.
prompted by this MO question I saw that our entry parameterized spectrum was a bit thin on information. I have now at least briefly added a section Yoga of six functors with mentioning of and pointers to the Wirthmüller context property, the Beck-Chevalley condition and the interpretation as linear homotopy type theory.
added pointer to:
Added redirect coaction compatible localization and split the entry into sections.
category: people page for the reference
Changed name to the page to the more general concept of “ergodicity”. (Several things can be ergodic: measures, stochastic processes, dynamical systems, etc., but the idea is basically always the same.)
More content to be added soon.
The page could benefit from some more physics content, since I mostly know the probability theory side.
I wanted to understand Milnor’s paper on Link Groups, so I basically rewrote the main bits in to Milnor mu-bar invariants. (I don’t understand the difference between -invariants and -invariants, but I was only working on the original paper so presumably haven’t gotten that far yet.)
I even put a TOC in so Urs will be happy!
polished up this bibitem and added hyperlinks to the actual article:
To fix a grey link, I started a page for the Łoś theorem.
On a side note, should the pages ultrapower and ultraproduct maybe be merged?
created worldline formalism to go with this Physics.SE answer
Mentioned that it is a special case of Azumaya algebra.
brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references at wonderful compactification and at Fulton-MacPherson compactification
Added a new reference to pasting in Gray categories:
I also added a number of doi links to the reference section.
Added another reference.
I was chatting with Robin Cockett yesterday at SYCO1. In a talk Robin claims to be after
The algebraic/categorical foundations for differential calculus and differential geometry.
It would be good to see how this approach compares with differential cohesive HoTT.
14 July 1933 – 21 July 2014
added to Cachy real number a pointer to