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I added to cylinder object a pointer to a reference that goes through the trouble of spelling out the precise proof that for a CW-complex, then the standard cyclinder is again a cell complex (and the inclusion a relative cell complex).
What would be a text that features a graphics which illustrates the simple idea of the proof, visualizing the induction step where we have the cylinder over , then the cells of glued in at top and bottom, then the further -cells glued into all the resulting hollow cylinders? (I’d like to grab such graphics to put it in the entry, too lazy to do it myself. )
added some references to group completion, in particular Quillen’s “appendix Q”. More should be added, though.
To complement the entry internal direct sum.
splitting page from principle of omniscience since these axioms are different in strength and presentation than the usual principles of omniscience. Also in parallel to the already differentiated Markov’s principle and analytic Markov’s principle.
moving material about the analytic LPO from analytic principle of omniscience to its own article at analytic LPO, since it is sufficiently different from the other analytic principles of omniscience to warrant its own page. I plan on making analytic principle of omniscience a disambiguation page which links to each of analytic LPO/WLPO/LLPO.
moving material about the analytic WLPO from analytic principle of omniscience to its own article at analytic WLPO, since it is sufficiently different from the other analytic principles of omniscience to warrant its own page. I plan on making analytic principle of omniscience a disambiguation page which links to each of analytic LPO/WLPO/LLPO.
moving material about the analytic LLPO from analytic principle of omniscience to its own article at analytic LLPO, since it is sufficiently different from the other analytic principles of omniscience to warrant its own page. I plan on making analytic principle of omniscience a disambiguation page which links to each of analytic LPO/WLPO/LLPO.
I edited Trimble n-category:
added table of contents
added hyperlinks
moved the query boxes that seemed to contain closed discussion to the bottom. I kept the query box where I ask for a section about category theory for Trimble n-categories, but maybe we want to remove that, too. Todd has more on this on his personal web.
Todd points out elsewhere that there is a problem with the following sentence in the section Smallness in the context of universes:
is essentially -small if there is a bijection from its set of morphisms to an element of (the same for the set of objects follows); this condition is non-evil.
(introduced in revision 11).
It looks to me that first of all this is not the right condition – the right condition must mention equivalence of categories to a U-small category.
I just noticed this page. Is it really worth having separately from essentially small category (which redirects to small category)?
brief category:people
-entry for hyperlinking references at gauge-Higgs unification and at Higgs field, GUT and elsewhere
added briefly the definition to Einstein-Yang-Mills theory
More redirects and a link to essential monomorphisms.
starting some minimum, but for the moment just to make links work at Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro orientation, Conner-Floyd isomorphism and cobordism theory determining homology theory
I added four more references at twisted spin^c structure (aka “Freed-Witten anomaly cancellation”) after A clean formulation and review is provided in….
created spin^c structure and twisted spin^c structure
I have split off spin^c from spin^c structure
added pointer to the recent
Don’t we need a geometric Spin^c structure to define the Spin^c Dirac operator? Otherwise, how is the connection on the complex spinor bundle defined?
Does the nLab have an article about geometric Spin^c structures?
In response to discussions at set theory, created structural set theory with a tentative formal definition of when a set theory is "structural."
briefly added something to fusion category. See also this blog comment.
created fivebrane 6-group with the idea
Created factorization system in a 2-category.
added this pointer:
Peter Coles, Einstein, Eddington, and the 1919 Eclipse (arxIv:astro-ph/0102462)
(on the experimental confirmation of general relativity)
somebody signing as “Anonymous Coward” had created special relativity and typed in a confused paragraph (the smallest confusion being that the paragraph concerned not special but general relativity).
I removed that paragraph and quickly wrote a brief “Idea”-section . But have no time to do this justice now.
I gave the stub-entry Hopf algebroid a paragraph in the Idea-section that points out that already in commutative geometry there are two different kinds of Hopf algebroids associated with a groupoid (just as there are two versions of Hopf algebras associated with a group):
The commutative but non-co-commutative structure obtained by forming ordinary function algebras on objects and morphisms;
The non-commutative but co-commutative structure obtained by forming the groupoid convolution algebra.
For the moment I left the rest of the entry (which vaguely mentions commutative and non-commutative versions without putting them in relation) untouched, but I labelled the whole entry “under constructions”, since I think this issue needs to be discussed more for the entry not to be misleading.
I may find time to get back to this later…
expanded at Chan-Paton bundle the Idea-section and added two pointers to lecture notes. Also expanded at Freed-Witten anomaly a little.
categorical wreath product. Finally.
edits and edit discussion on the entry conformal compactification is going on here
creating here a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-list at relevant entries (notably at Laughlin wavefunction and at conformal block)