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creating here a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-list at relevant entries (notably at Laughlin wavefunction and at conformal block)
finally added the original references
Yoichiro Nambu, Duality and Hadrodynamics, Notes prepared for the Copenhagen High Energy Symposium (1970) [doi:10.1142/9789812795823_0026]
Tetsuo Gotō, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of One-Dimensional Mechanical Continuum and Subsidiary Condition of Dual Resonance Model, Progress of Theoretical Physics 46 5 (1971) 1560–1569 [doi:10.1143/PTP.46.1560]
Since the Monster has a 3-cocycle of order 24, she’s looking at the categorical central extension by .
earlier today I had created a stub for anti de Sitter spacetime
a bare list of references, previously coded both at D=11 supergravity and at higher curvature correction, now extracted here to be !include
-ed back there, for ease of synchronizing
Have added to HowTo a description for how to label equations
In the course of this I restructured the section “How to make links to subsections of a page” by giving it a few descriptively-titled subsections.
I just see that in this entry it said
Classically, 1 was also counted as a prime number, …
If this is really true, it would be good to see a historic reference. But I’d rather the entry wouldn’t push this, since it seems misguided and, judging from web discussion one sees, is a tar pit for laymen to fall into.
The sentence continued with
… the number 1 is too prime to be prime.
and that does seem like a nice point to make. So I have edited the entry to now read as follows, but please everyone feel invited to have a go at it:
A prime number is a natural number which cannot be written as a product of two smaller numbers, hence a natural number greater than 1, which is divisible only by 1 and by itself.
This means that every natural number is, up to re-ordering of factors, uniquely expressed as a product of a tuple of prime numbers:
This is called the prime factorization of .
Notice that while the number is, clearly, only divisible by one and by itself, hence might look like it deserves to be counted as a prime number, too, this would break the uniqueness of this prime factorization. In view of the general phenomenon in classifications in mathematics of objects being too simple to be simple one might say that 1 is “too prime to be prime”.
added pointer to:
Creating a stand-along entry for this, so that one can link to it.
We used to have (and still have, of course) a subsection of that title “Internal direct sum” here at direct sum.
I have copied that material over, but pre-fixed it by the form of the definition usually found in algebra texts.
Created basic outline with some important connections. (Anti) self-dual Yang-Mills equaions, after all the main concept which makes this special case interesting, and references will be added later.
Edit: Crosslinked D=4 Yang-Mills theory on related pages: D=2 QCD, D=2 Yang-Mills theory, D=5 Yang-Mills theory, D=4 N=1 super Yang-Mills theory, D=4 N=2 super Yang-Mills theory, D=4 N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, topologically twisted D=4 super Yang-Mills theory, self-dual Yang-Mills theory.
New entry history of mathematics and a couple of minor changes at philosophy.
created at internal logic an Examples-subsection and spelled out at Internal logic in Set how by turning the abstract-nonsense crank on the topos Set, one does reproduce the standard logic.
a bare minimum, for the moment mainly in order to mention the relation to super-Riemann normal coordinates
added to Donaldson theory a pointer back to Lagrangian correspondences and category-valued TFT
P.S. erased later, the reference is not directly appropriate for this entry.
Created new article with papers introducing the Kronheimer-Mrowka basic classes.
Created new article for Kronheimer-Mrowka basic classes. (The german Wikipedia entry is now also available.)
Added writings, in which he proved Donaldson’s theorem.
stub for intersection pairing
Created new article for Donaldson’s theorem. (The german Wikipedia entry is now also available.)
added pointer to:
added pointer to:
Eugene P. Wigner Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren, Springer (1931) [doi:10.1007/978-3-663-02555-9, pdf]
Eugene P. Wigner, Group theory: And its application to the quantum mechanics of atomic spectra, 5, Academic Press (1959) [doi:978-0-12-750550-3]
In the process of beginning to compile a list of central theorems in topology, on top of the list of basic facts in topology that I had been compiling the last days (of course there is some remaining ambiguity in which of these two lists to place a given item) I have created a stub for Jordan curve theorem.
I changed back the name of the page to coherent state. Though it is usually considered in quantum mechanics, and the name is still correct, as a specialist in the area of coherent states, I have almost never seen the phrase “coherent quantum state” written out in mathematical physics, so I would prefer to have this long unusual name as a redirect only. Of course, we often talk about the coherence of quantum states. But this is about a general feature of coherence, like in optics. The specific states in mathematical physics which, among other features, have such coherence properties are usually called squeezed coherent states, and the coherent states of these entry are even more specific than those. I am about to add a couple of new references, so I came across the page again.
created stub for Gerstenhaber algebra
started Bruhat decomposition, so far just the plain definition
the same paragraph I also included at Schubert calculus
Expanding slightly this entry and also Cohen-Macauley ring.
a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-section of relevant entries (such as AdS/CFT correspondence, super p-brane sigma moel, black brane and superconformal multiplet) for ease of synchronization.
(These are mostly references that I had long kept at the first two of these entries. But now that I added a couple more, it’s good time to clean this up with a single !include
Created a stub with some references for geometrodynamics.
stub for black brane