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I took the liberty of incorporating material from Andre Joyal's latest message to the CatTheory mailing list into the entry dagger-category:
created sections
added to Lie algebra a brief paragraph general abstract perspective to go along with this MO reply
added statement of existence of linear extensions (here)
Will give this its own entry at linear extension of a partial order, for ease of referencing
An early survey is
a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-sections of relevant entries (such as at supergeometry and fermion), for ease of synchronization
added to supergeometry a link to the recent talk
Added the Yoneda-embedding way to talk about group objects and hence supergroups.
added pointer to
which provides a wealth of computational details and illustrative graphics.
I wrote about Dmitri Pavlov’s concept of measurable locales.
I added some simpler motivation in terms of the basic example to the beginning of distributive law.
added publication data to:
brief category:people
-entry for hyperlinking references at Nielsen-Schreier theorem
Added reference
I gather the following is true and is shown in Battenfield-Schröder-Simpson (pdf), but I haven’t really fully absorbed yet how is actually embedded in .
The subcategory on the effectively computable morphisms of the function realizability topos is the Kleene-Vesley topos . The category of “admissible representations” (whose morphisms are computable functions (analysis), see there) is a reflective subcategory of (BSS) and the restriction of that to is
This is currently stated this way in the entry function ralizability and computable function (analysis), but please criticize/handle with care, I’ll try to further fine-tune as need be.
I added to decidable equality some remarks on the difference between the propositions-as-types version and the propositions-as-some-types version.
added reference to dendroidal version of Dold-Kan correspondence
added to closed monoidal category a proof that the pointwise tensor product on a functor category with complete codomain is closed.
this is a bare section, spelling out in full detail the construction of the super Lie group integrating the translational part of the “supersymmetry algebra”, namely of the super Poincaré Lie algebra
(this is of course known to experts, but I am not aware of any literature showcasing how this works in full detail – if such literature exist, please drop a note [the group law itself appears in CAIP99 (2.1) (2.6)])
this entry is meant to be !include
-ed as an Example-subsection into relevant entries, such as at super translation group
wrote a few lines at differential calculus, just so that the link does point somewhere. Clearly just a stub, to be expanded.