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Added appropriate axioms for the various definitions of affine space, along with another definition in terms of a single quaternary operation.
created dg-nerve
starting page on right triangles since the paper
talks about right triangles too
I have expanded vertex operator algebra (more references, more items in the Properties-section) in partial support to a TP.SE answer that I posted here
We should have an entry on large N limit gradually. But sometimes it can be treated as a semiclassical limit. I quoted a reference by Yaffe where I originally read of that approach to the entry semiclassical expansion.
Move to clopen subset (since it's a relative notion, agreeing with open subset and closed subsetl
More examples added at principal ideal domain.
See Day convolution
I started writing up the actual theorem from Day’s paper “On closed categories of functors”, regarding an extension of the “usual” Day convolution. He identifies an equivalence of categories between biclosed monoidal structures on the presheaf category and what are called pro-monoidal structures on A (with appropriate notions of morphisms between them) (“pro-monoidal” structures were originally called “pre-monoidal”, but in the second paper in the series, he changed the name to “pro-monoidal” (probably because they are equivalent to monoidal structures on the category of “pro-objects”, that is to say, presheaves)).
This is quite a bit stronger than the version that was up on the lab, and it is very powerful. For instance, it allows us to seamlessly extend the Crans-Gray tensor product from strict ω-categories to cellular sets (such that the reflector and Θ-nerve functors are strong monoidal). This is the key ingredient to defining lax constructions for ω-quasicategories, and in particular, it’s an important step towards the higher Grothendieck construction, which makes use of lax cones constructed using the Crans-Gray tensor product.
I wanted to be able to use the link without it appearing in grey, so I created a stub for general relativity.
After a suggestion from Toby, I added a note on the “analytic Markov’s principle” to Markov’s principle.
moving material about the limited principle of omniscience from principle of omniscience to its own page at limited principle of omniscience
moving material about the lesser limited principle of omniscience from principle of omniscience to its own page at lesser limited principle of omniscience
added publication data to:
Have been polishing and expanding the first part of invariant polynomial.
I rewrote a good bit of the entry sheaf, trying to polish and strengthen the exposition.
The rewritten material is what now constituttes the section “Definition”. This subsumes essentially everything that was there before, except for some scattered remarks which I removed and instad provided hyperlinks for, since they have meanwhile better discussions in other entries.
I left the discussion of sheaves and the general notion of localization untouched (it is now in the section “Sheaves” and localization”). This would now need to be harmonized notationally a bit better. Maybe later.
For some text I need to explain the relation between sequents in the syntax of dependent type theory and morphisms in their categorical semantics.
I wanted to explain this table:
types | terms | |
(∞,1)-topos theory | ||
homotopy type theory |
So I was looking for a place where to put it. This way I noticed that sequent used to redirect to sequent calculus. I think this doesn’t do justice to the notion and so I have
split off a new entry sequent
added a brief Idea-blurb
added my table and some explanation leading up to it
leaving the whole entry in genuinely stubby state. But no harm done, I think, if we compare to the previous state of affairs.
created adjoint triangle theorem.
when you see this here and have a minute, would you mind having a look at monoidal category to see if you can remove the query-box discussion there and maybe replace it by some crisp statement?