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- CategoryFront Page
- Category descriptionThis is a link back to the front page which lists all the discussions in the public areas of the nForum.
Category nLab
Category description This category is for all matters pertaining to the nLab. There are subcategories for specific matters and discussions posted here will generally be moved to one of those.
Discussions 146
- Sub-Categories 8
Category Latest Changes
Category description This is the place to record all changes on the n-Lab.
Discussions 15031
- Sub-Categories 0
Category HoTT: Latest Changes
Category description For changes to pages in the HoTT wiki
Discussions 209
- Sub-Categories 0
Category CatLab: Latest Changes
Category description For changes to pages in the CatLab wiki
Discussions 24
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nLab General Discussions
Category description For discussions relating to the nLab which don't fit in any of the nLab-specific subcategories.
Discussions 538
- Sub-Categories 0
Category Lab Elf News
Category description This category is mainly for announcements regarding the n-Lab. Things like updates to itex2MML, service announcements, and other technical stuff that might be useful to know.
Discussions 17
- Sub-Categories 0
Category Diagrams
Category description For anything and everything related to getting pictures and diagrams into the n-Lab.
Discussions 34
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nLab Organisation
Category description This category is for discussions pertaining to the organisation of the n-lab.
Discussions 46
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nLab Technical Matters
Category description For discussions relating to technical issues on the nLab.
Discussions 405
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nJournal
Category description For discussions pertaining to the peer-reviewed journal associated to the nLab.
Discussions 5
- Sub-Categories 3
Category nJournal Organisation
Category description For organisational matters.
Discussions 10
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nJournal Technical
Category description For technical matters.
Discussions 1
- Sub-Categories 0
Category nJournal Articles
Category description For discussion relating to individual articles.
Discussions 6
- Sub-Categories 0
Category Atrium
Category description This category is for general discussions which are not particularly focussed on the nLab.
Discussions 9
- Sub-Categories 2
Category Preprints & Publications
Category description Announcements and discussions about preprints and publications
Discussions 44
- Sub-Categories 0
Category n-Forum
Category description For anything that really only pertains to this forum.
(Mainly so that this stuff doesn't get in the way of more interesting discussions about the 'lab)
Discussions 160
- Sub-Categories 0