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Glancing through Weigland’s TASI Lectures on F-theory there’s plenty on (p,q) 7-branes. Is there a way to think of why (p,q) is attached to strings, 5-branes and 7-branes?
The D3-brane is thought to be self-dual under S-duality, e.g. p. 9 in arXiv:hep-th/9702133.
More systematic analysis is in arXiv:hep-th/9909143, where one needs to compare (2.17)-(2.20) with (2.32)-(2.35). We comment on this in Section 4.3 of the brane bouquet article (p. 15).
I see, thanks. Another paper on this is Self-duality in Super D3-brane Action.
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