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added these pointers
Discussion of quantum anomaly cancellation and 7d Horava-Witten theory is in
{#GherghettaKehagias02} Tony Gherghetta, Alex Kehagias, Anomaly Cancellation in Seven-Dimensional Supergravity with a Boundary, Phys.Rev. D68 (2003), 065019, (arXiv:hep-th/0212060)
Spyros D. Avramis, Alex Kehagias, _Gauged D=7 Supergravity on the S1/ℤ2 Orbifold (arXiv:hep-th/0407221)
T.G. Pugh, Ergin Sezgin, Kellogg Stelle, D=7 / D=6 Heterotic Supergravity with Gauged R-Symmetry (arXiv:1008.0726)
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