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expanded the previously pretty empty entry smooth Lorentzian space.
I added some standard definitions for smooth Lorentzian manifolds and then a discussion on how a time orientation without closed future-directed curves induces the structure of a category that is a poset, where a morphism witnesses the fact that
is a point in the future of
<p>I wish Sorkin would see this and get involved :)</p>
<p>I always enjoyed his ideas and, if I were smarter, would trying to nPOV them (if I can use nPOV as a verb :))</p>
<p>Edit: My my. It has been a while since I looked up Sorkin and look what I found:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=10&ved=0CDgQFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fciteseerx.ist.psu.edu%2Fviewdoc%2Fdownload%3Fdoi%3D10.">A Spatial View of Information</a><br>
Jonathan Gratus and Timothy Porter</p>
<p>Here Tim has been doing all kinds of fascinating stuff all along and I didn't even know it :)</p>
all kinds of fascinating stuff
Let's link to this somewhere on the nLab with a brief comment on what it is about and where it fits, so that I can find it next time that I have a minute...
Thanks, Tim! Very nice.
I just went through it again and polished slightly here and there.
Among other things I made the Wikipedia links you gave channel through stub nLab entries Anti de Sitter space and Kerr spacetime.
I feel we should generally do this, because otherwise later on when we do create our own nLab entries that may crucially differ from Wikipedia material (not so likely in this case here, but still) we would have to try to chase all previous links to Wikipedia and redirect them back to our own wiki. Of course the nLab page of the same title may and should link to Wikipedia!
Thanks for mentioning the point of ergodic causality. Do you happen to know any results on perturbations of exact solutions? I would imagine for instance that while the Kerr solution itself is not chronological, small perturbations of it will tend to make it chronological (by turning all closed timelike cruves into just ergodic timelike curves).
This might be relevant in view of the nice category-theoretic interpretation of causalness = poset. I am not sure if global hyperbolicity has an equally relevant categorical interpretation. On the other hand, possibly that's quite besides the point... :-)
Cool :)
I added Penrose/Rindler reference.
Urs said:
" I made the Wikipedia links you gave channel through stub nLab entries Anti de Sitter space and Kerr spacetime. I feel we should generally do this..."
Ok, no problem, I will try to keep that in mind.
Do you happen to know any results on perturbations of exact solutions?
No, but if I come across one, I will try to remember to mention it on the nLab somewhere.
I added a section that describes the (2,1)-category of paths in a smooth Lorentzian space. at Path n-category of a smooth Lorentzian space. Nothing deep there, but the concept might be of interest.
added pointer to
for discussion of Lorentzian structure as G-structure
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