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for the equivariant+twisted version I added further pointer to
El-kaïoum M. Moutuou, Graded Brauer groups of a groupoid with involution, J. Funct. Anal. 266 (2014), no.5 (arXiv:1202.2057)
Daniel Freed, Gregory Moore, Section 7 of: Twisted equivariant matter, Ann. Henri Poincaré (2013) 14: 1927 (arXiv:1208.5055)
Kiyonori Gomi, Freed-Moore K-theory (arXiv:1705.09134, spire:1601772)
I have reservations about that paper of Moutuou.
In this paper it is pointed out in footnote 1 on page 5 that the concrete examples therein
…seem to be at odds with the results of [7] if their correspondence between Real continuous trace C*-algebras and Real bundle gerbes is a straightforward generalisation of the complex case.
where the paper [7] (here) says “Moutuou’s classification of possible twists of KR coincides with ours”, and cite his paper in #1. It is my understanding that the quote above is very carefully phrased.
Thanks for highlighting. Yes, it has been the comment in [7] that led me to Moutuou.
I’m not sure, but Richard Szabo or Pedram Hekmati might know. (Edit this was in response to a now-deleted reference request)
Thanks, yeah, after writing it I saw how they did it.
I may sure contact the authors, but maybe you know sbout the following already: In the intro they recall the open problems with O-plane charge in KR. Do they then claim to solve these or just to clarify the issues?
I still need to read in more detail…
I think the idea was really to make some concrete calculations to clarify the situation about the possible twists of KR-theory, following up on this paper, given the confusion around the existing literature. This earlier paper is more theory-oriented.
Thanks, I have read it now. I see.
Hm, few of these and related articles seem to have been published. (?)
As far as the Hekmati et al papers go, the first is to appear in ATMP, the second still under consideration at a journal. Or are you talking about the papers in #1?
Thanks, I’ll put “to appear in ATMP” then.
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