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added a bunch of references:
blackD6-D8-brane bound states in massive type IIA string theory, with defect D2-D4-brane bound states inside them realizing AdS3-CFT2 “inside” AdS7-CFT6:
Giuseppe Dibitetto, Nicolò Petri, 6d surface defects from massive type IIA, JHEP 01 (2018) 039 (arxiv:1707.06154)
Nicolò Petri, section 6.5 of: Supersymmetric objects in gauged supergravities (arxiv:1802.04733)
{#Petri18} Nicolò Petri, Surface defects in massive IIA, talk at Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics 2018 (pdf)
Giuseppe Dibitetto, Nicolò Petri, AdS3 vacua and surface defects in massive IIA (arxiv:1904.02455)
Yolanda Lozano, Niall T. Macpherson, Carlos Nunez, Anayeli Ramirez, 1/4 BPS AdS3/CFT2 (arxiv:1909.09636)
Yolanda Lozano, Niall T. Macpherson, Carlos Nunez, Anayeli Ramirez, Two dimensional N=(0,4) quivers dual to AdS3 solutions in massive IIA (arxiv:1909.10510)
Yolanda Lozano, Niall T. Macpherson, Carlos Nunez, Anayeli Ramirez, AdS3 solutions in massive IIA, defect CFTs and T-duality (arxiv:1909.11669)
Kostas Filippas, Non-integrability on AdS3 supergravity (arxiv:1910.12981)
added pointer to
added pointer to
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