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ah, darn, we already had p-adic AdS-CFT – am mergin the entries now
Okay, merged. There are many more references to be added, but I am somewhat busy with something else. for the time being.
added this pointer:
added this pointer on proposed realization of aspects of p-adic AdS/CFT correspondence in solid-state physics:
added this pointer on including BTZ black holes:
added this pointer:
Ling-Yan Hung, Wei Li, Charles M. Melby-Thompson, p-adic CFT is a holographic tensor network (arXiv:1902.01411)
added pointer to this triple of preprints appearing on the arXiv today:
Lin Chen, Xirong Liu, Ling-Yan Hung, Emergent Einstein Equation in p-adic CFT Tensor Networks (arXiv:2102.12022)
Lin Chen, Xirong Liu, Ling-Yan Hung, Bending the Bruhat-Tits Tree I:Tensor Network and Emergent Einstein Equations (arXiv:2102.12023)
Lin Chen, Xirong Liu, Ling-Yan Hung, Bending the Bruhat-Tits Tree II: the p-adic BTZ Black hole and Local Diffeomorephism on the Bruhat-Tits Tree (arXiv:2102.12024)
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to today’s
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