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Prompted by a new article on the arXiv today, I added pointers to “holographic duality”, though these may eventually need to go to their own entry:
Kevin Costello, Davide Gaiotto, Twisted Holography (arXiv:1812.09257)
Jihwan Oh, Yehao Zhou, Feynman diagrams and Ω-deformed M-theory (arXiv:2002.07343)
Is Koszul duality still considered a thing here? It’s not being mentioned anymore…
Not being mentioned where? It appears in the second article you just added.
Ah, right, thanks. I was being stupid.
added pointer to today’s
Looking at this entry there should be an indication explaining the ’holography’ of the title. It’s doing this indirectly via the link to AdS/CFT duality.
But then even there at AdS/CFT duality we don’t reach the term ’holography’ until a way down the page, and even then there’s not a link to holographic principle.
I’d add something myself, but I don’t know quite the extent of these terms.
Okay, I have added a paragraph mentioning the “holographic principle” to the beginning of the Idea-section at AdS/CFT correspondence (as just announced in its discussion thread here).
Regarding the present entry here on Koszul duality and holography, I should admit that, for the time being, I am using it just to record references so that I know where to find them once I want to go and read them, which by and large I have not yet. So I am not going to defend anything here for the time being, starting with the title of the entry.
Scanning over the lastest article arXiv:2110.10257 I find it curious that the identification of MC-elements with dgca-morphisms out of the Koszul dual is highlighted, a basic point which I had once tried to highlight here and which underlies most articles related to L∞-algebras which I ever co-authored. Maybe that signals a point of contact. Or… scanning further through the article… maybe not :-)
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