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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
Thanks. How do you mean ’the mess’? I introduced a space in ’RL’, which makes it work in Itex, .
Might this content be useful to collapse into the main page on category of presheaves?
Since this is rather light on details about ,
Given a small category , one can consider the category of presheaves valued in some category . Given some assumptions on , any functor…,
I asked on Zulip and someone says these conditions on are to do with its possessing colimits (and limits) of size . Can we say something precise here?
Yes, the condition is that the Kan extensions exist, which are mentioned in the next line, which for pointwise Kan extension means that has the required (co)limits.
Of course, the entry could say this more explicitly.
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