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I am moving here an old discussion:
David Speyer asks: Voisin, in Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I, definition 4.35 makes a different definition of fine sheaf. I can see that they are related, but I can’t see precisely what the relation is.
According to Voisin:
:A fine sheaf ℱ over X is a sheaf of 𝒜-modules, where 𝒜 is a sheaf of rings such that, for every open cover Ui of X, there is a partition of unity 1=∑fi (where the sum is locally finite) subordinate to this covering.
A technical point: I infer from context that, for Voisin, being subordinate to Ui means that, for each Ui, there is an open set Vi such that X=Ui∪Vi and f|Vi=0. This is slightly stronger than requiring that f|X∖Ui=0. When working on a regular (T3) space, I believe that, if partitions of unity exist in the weaker sense, than they also exist in the stronger sense.
Zoran: paracompact Hausdorff space is automatically normal (Dieudonne’s theorem) so a fortiori T3. A partition of unity subordinate to the covering means as usual that for each i there is j such that suppfi⊂Uj. Thanks for the other correction.
couple properties related to sheaf cohomology.
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