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The category of simplices is an Eilenberg–Zilber category.
The wreath product of and an EZ-category (also known as the -construction) is again an EZ-category (Bergner–Rezk, Proposition 4.3). In particular, Joyal’s category is an EZ-category for all .
Segal’s category (used to define Gamma-spaces) is an EZ-category (Berger–Moerdijk, Examples 6.8).
The category of symmetric simplices (inhabited finite sets and their maps) is an EZ-category (Berger–Moerdijk, Examples 6.8).
The cyclic category and the category of trees are EZ-categories (Berger–Moerdijk, Examples 6.8).
More generally, the total category of a crossed group on an EZ-category whose underlying Reedy category is strict is itself an EZ-category (Berger–Moerdijk, Examples 6.8).
The category of cubes (generated by faces and degeneracies, without connections, symmetries, reversals, or diagonals) is an EZ-category (Isaacson, Proposition 4.4).
The category of symmetric cubes with min-connections (Isaacson, Definition 3.4, Proposition 3.11) is an EZ-category (Isaacson, Proposition 4.4).
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