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conformal block and Vassily Gorbounov. Update at Imma Galvez.
added an Idea-section to conformal block, and added a reference on conformal blocks in higher dimensional CFT.
have added (here) a paragraph briefly stating that the genus=0 confromal blocks of a rational 2d CFT determine the braided monoidal structure on the corresponding VOA representation category.
Up to slight rewording, this is the same paragraph that I had recently added also at modular tensor category (here)
have added pointer to:
(felt sure that I had done so before, but apparently I didn’t)
added pointer to Witten’s argument that the higher conformal blocks of the SCFT reduce to confomal blocks of the ordinary 2d WZW model after KK-compactification on a Riemann surface:
added pointer to today’s
added pointers to
Conformal blocks for Liouville theory:
Babak Haghighat, Yihua Liu, Nicolai Reshetikhin, Flat Connections from Irregular Conformal Blocks [arXiv:2311.07960]
Xia Gu, Babak Haghighat, Kevin Loo, Irregular Fibonacci Conformal Blocks [arXiv:2311.13358]
(also at Liouville theory)
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