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stated the definition Δf=⋆d⋆df and spelled out how this gives the usual component formula:
⋆d⋆df=⋆d⋆(∂jf)dxj=⋆d(1(D−1)!√|det((gij))|gij(∂jf)εik2⋯kDdxk2∧⋯∧dxkD)=⋆∂k1(1(D−1)!√|det((gij))|gij(∂jf)εik2⋯kDdxk1∧dxk2∧⋯∧dxkD)=√|det((gij))|1D!(D−1)!εl1l2⋯lDgl1k1gl2k2⋯glDkDεik2⋯kD⏟=det((gij)−1)δk1i∂k1(√|det((gij))|gij(∂jf))=1√|det((gij))|δk1i∂k1(√|det((gij))|gij(∂jf))=1√|det((gij))|∂i(√|det((gij))|gij(∂jf))I always forget we have these colour effects:
Ah, thanks for reminding me that there is the background color option, too: \bgcolor
. Maybe that can be put to use…
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