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Tim: Methinks that we need some comment on the evident connection with Baez–Crans 2-vector space. I think I remember seeing some paper on 2-vector spaces that mentions the connection. Whether or not it exploited that connection has slipped my memory. Can Zoran say something on this?
Zoran Surely in char 0, internal categories to vector spaces are the same as 2-term chain complexes, but if one translates strict associative algebra, Lie algebra etc. internal to the categories of internal categories in Veck then one has more on the internal category side then on LP side because of the truncation of the tensor product. So every strict Lie algebra in Baez-Crans 2-vector spaces gives an examples of an internal Lie algebra in LP but not other way around. Eventually I will put some treatment of this, but it is not that simple to write it clearly, so it will wait a bit for now.
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