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this is a bare subsection with a commented list of references, to be !included
where need be (such as at orbifold cohomology, Borel cohomology, Chen-Ruan cohomology)
added pointer, at then end, to Adem-Leida-Ruan, for review
(I know one could add many more references that chat about the subject, but I would like to keep the focus on the specific pointers currently in the list, as these get to the heart of the matter, as indicated in the commentary. Many other references just recite the definition of Chen-Ruan in more or less transparent form without digging deeper. But of course if there are other references with pertinent insight, let’s add them, with due commentary.)
Have added now also references on orbifold K-theory towards the end.
added pointer to
which defines a G-invariant de Rham complex in the same style that Satake later did in his “On a generalisation of the notion of manifold”.
Did Satake get his ideas from Baily?
I have seen a textbook (now lost the reference, though) saying in the introduction of orbifolds something like: “must have been known to Baily, if not before him”.
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