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Given an (adjoint) equivalence in a 2-category, does anyone know if it is possible to replace the objects and/or 1-arrows in some reasonable way (up to equivalence/isomorphism) so that either the unit or the co-unit becomes an identity, not just a natural isomorphism? I don’t have time to think about it just now, and maybe someone knows something off the top of their head.
I guess this is fairly obvious actually. I’ll drop adjointness for simplicitly. Suppose that we have F:A→B and G:B→A, a natural isomorphism ϕ:GF→id, and a natural isomorphism ψ:FG→id. Let a be an object of A. Since F is an equivalence, there must be an isomorphism fa in B such that G(fa) is equal (on the nose) to the isomorphism ϕ(a):GF(a)→a. We can then replace F by F′, where F′(a) is the target of ff(A), and F′(g) for g:a→a′ is ff(a′)∘F(g)∘f−1f(a). Keeping G the same, we then have that GF′ is on the nose equal to id(A), and F′G is still naturally isomorphic to id.
If people agree, I’ll add this to equivalence or some such page. If I have not made a mistake in the above, it must be in the literature somewhere; does anybody know of an explicit reference? Or if there is some canonical/abstract formalism which recovers the above, that would be very good to add too.
That would only be true if you already knew there was an object b such that G(b)=a on the nose.
Yes, thanks, good point! The functor G would have to be assumed to be surjective-on-objects, which is probably fine in practise in most cases. I’ll add something about this a little later to the nLab.
Note that surjective-on-objects equivalences are the acyclic fibrations in the canonical model structure on Cat.
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