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ahm, another stupid question: what should sequential colimit point to? directed colimit?
I think that’s exactly the right place for it. The book on accessible categories by Adamek and Rosicky has some technical details on the relationship between these notions, and that would be good to get recorded here in the Lab. I can do that later when I have some more time.
Thanks, Todd, that would be very helpful. I still don’t have a copy of that book, and reading it in Google-books is a pain. :-/
Eventually it might not be a bad idea for it to be its own page, but directed colimit is also a good redirect.
I am actually not sure about the difference. Can you just state it for me?
By a sequential colimit I would mean a colimit over an ordinal, or even particularly the ordinal , rather than over an arbitrary directed set.
Ah, thanks.
So I created sequential limit now and linked to it from directed limit.
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