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I added a bit in the functionals section of locally convex space about coordinate projections being continuous for LCTVSs, and that there are counterexamples to this fact without local convexity. This was from memory, I hope I got it right.
I hope it’s not a fluke that I can edit from home tonight.
I also hyperlinked my front page of my web a bit, as Urs does (like it’s going out of fashion :), so I can present our model to my company, as I (and some others to whom I have explained it) would like to implement the ’open lab book’ research model we have here. I would loove to be able to do it in instiki (by which I mean the technically minded people), but we may be stuck with an awful free wiki platform, chosen for its ’minimal advertising’ (and I quote!).
Anyway, as a result, there are a bunch of new stubby pages there, that probably aren’t worth looking at yet.
The stuff I added at locally convex space was wrong, so I’ll scale back my (in hindsight) silly claims.
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