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One more item for the list of Sullivan models – examples
The title seems to me to read slightly strangely; perhaps ’Sullivan model of a classifying space’ or ‘Sullivan model of the classifying space of a Lie group’ might get around the problem.
So this entry talks about a finite-dimensional simply connected compact Lie group. What does one do for higher smooth groups e.g. a string group?
The assumptions listed are just those for which there are classical formulas for the rational cohomology of BG, as cited.
For BString, the defining homotopy fiber sequence
B3ℤ⟶BString⟶BSpin12p1⟶B4ℤwith its induced long exact sequence of homotopy groups, implies that BString has the same (rational) homotopy groups as BSpin except the ones in degree 4.
Since the algebra generators of a Sullivan model are these rationalized homotopy groups, this means that also the Sullivan models are the same except that the invariant polynomial which is the 1st Pontrjagin form disappears for BString.
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