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I have added a remark (here) making explicit that the adjunction with the slice over ˉWG is indeed simplicial (a fact that is not quite made explicit in Dror, Dwyer & Kan 80 )
added pointer also to
I made a note (here, still in need of polishing and proof-reading ) that for 𝒢 any simplicial group we have a (forgetful ⊣ cofree)-Quillen adjunction
sSetundrl⟵⊥⟶[𝒢,−]𝒢Actions(sSet).The Quillen functor property is immediate from the other propositions in the entry once we know that the cofree right adjoint exists at all, and so in the note I just spell out that right adjoint. It’s all tautological, of course, but I wanted to write it out because one can’t quite argue pointwise as for topological G-spaces but needs this formula, I think.
added the observation (here) that the adjunction for simplicial groups
𝒢Acts(sSet)(−)×ˉW𝒢W𝒢⟵⊥⟶((−)×W𝒢)/𝒢sSet/ˉW𝒢generalizes to one for presheaves of simplicial groups
𝒢̲Acts(sPSh(𝒞))(−)×ˉW𝒢̲W𝒢̲⟵⊥⟶((−)×W𝒢̲)/𝒢̲sPSh(𝒞)/ˉW𝒢̲Maybe the notation can be improved. One needs that homomorphisms of actions of presheaves of groups are universal with respect to squares of the form
𝒢̲Acts(A̲,B̲)⟶𝒢̲(c1)Acts(A̲(c1),B̲(c1))↓↓𝒢̲(c2)Acts(A̲(c2),B̲(c2))⟶Hom(A̲(c1),B̲(c2))started (here) a new subsection, recording basic properties of the projective model structure on GAct(TopSp), leading up to the Borel construction as a left derived functor
(For the moment almost straight from the last page of Guillou’s note, up to spelling out of some basic details that Guillou leaves implicit).
added pointer to:
This was in the first line here. Thanks.
I have now also fixed a grammar error further down, and added previously missing link to fine model structure on topological G-spaces.
added detailed proof (here) of monoidal model structure on 𝒢Act(C)Borel, essentially by the argument of Berger & Moerdijk (2006), Lem. 2.5.2, but generalized to coefficients in any cofibrantly generated simplicial monoidal model category C (beyond just C=sSet) and not forgetting to also check the unit axiom.
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