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added this pointer:
added pointer to the general definition in terms of equivariant sections of equivariant bundles of equivariant classifying spaces for equivariant K-theory:
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For G a finite group (at least),
it is known that classifying G-space for rational G-equivariant KU-theory assigns the rationalized complex representation rings
G/H↦∏kB2kℚ⊗Rℂ(H)and that the equivariant fundamental group of BGPU(ℋ) assigns the character group
G/H↦Hom(H,U(1)).Since the character group has a canonical action on the representation ring, it ought to be the case for the classifying coefficient G-bundle for 3-twisted equivariant K-theory, that the action of the equivariant fundamental group of the base on the homotopy fibers is, at each stage G/H, the canonical action of the H-character group on the H-representation ring.
Is this proven anywhere?
a reference item to add to twisted equivariant K-theory once the edit-functionality is back:
It is
well-known that the connected components of the H-fixed locus of the classifying space for equivariant K-theory is the representation ring R(H)
known that the possible twistings of equivariant K-theory over an H-fixed point include – in addition to the notorious “gerbe” – a complex line bundle with structure group H2(G;ℤ)≃H1(G;U(1))⊂U(1) (aka “local system”).
But, in describing how this degree-1 twist actually acts on the classifying space, all authors I have seen (where “all” is no more than 2 or 3 groups, apparently) pass to the perspective of “delocalized” cohomology.
While the delocalized picture has some clear virtues, it does a fair bit of violence to the classifying picture of K-theory. In the latter picture, there is an evident guess for how the 1-twist acts: It ought to be the canonical operation of tensoring representations with group characters regarded as 1d reps:
Hom(G;U(1))×R(G)R(G)(κ,ρ)↦κ⊗ρBecause what else can it be. But also because I think I have proven this now. (It follows from the observation mentioned in another thread, here.)
I keep wondering, though, if this has not been discussed elsewhere, before?
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