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Okay. I have created a stub entry global equivariant bordism homology theory to make these links work.
(I’d like to not leave broken links around too much, better to create a quick stub entry for them to point to. Besides making look their home entry broken and messy, broken links tend to mislead hapless users to click on them and inadvertently create broken entries, which we then have to clean up. Also, if nothing else, one usually has a reference at hand for the given keyword, so that one can just as well make a stub entry right away that will be of actual use, however small.)
This list here I intended as a bare table of contents for easy overview of entries with further details; so that technical fine print such as the qualities of a given representing spectrum (or indeed the use of any spectrum in the first place) should better be relegated to the entries that are being listed here.
In this vein I have edited your addition a little. For instance the item “ultracommutative ring spectrum” (a new stub entry) no longer appears listed here, but does appear in the entry behind the respective links.
Thanks, Urs! The spectrum MO also has a global incarnation, by the way. Currently, the list seemingly indicates that mO is the only one that is global equivariant. (And vice versa, mO and mU can be restricted to a nonglobal equivariant spectrum.)
I was just reformatting the addition you made in rev 2. Maybe I misunderstood your intention?
But in either case this is just the beginning of a list that can be much expanded. Let’s create more of the relevant entries and then add pointer to them to the list.
added one more item to the list: MString
(pointing to an old entry string bordism, which now redirects for MString; as many of these entries it remains much underdeveloped)
Re #3: I was just trying to say that the current entry attaches the adjective “global” only to mO and mU, not to MO and MU.
But all four have equal status with respect to globality: all four spectra can be defined as global equivariant spectra.
So why should two of them be referred to as “global” and the other two not?
Maybe mO and mU should be called global Thom spectra, and MO and MU global bordism spectra?
Yes, and I was just trying to say that this was not my decision, but seemingly yours, in rev 2, which I only meant to format differently.
But we agree that the table needs to be completed more properly. We’ll do it.
added the item MFr and made that redirect to stable Cohomotopy for the time being (eventually this should be a separate entry).
am adding an item equivariant MFr (for equivariant framed bordism theory)
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