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added these early references:
Tohru Eguchi, Hikaru Kawai, Reduction of Dynamical Degrees of Freedom in the Large-N Gauge Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1063 (1982) (spire:176459, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.1063)
A. Gonzalez-Arroyo, M. Okawa, A twisted model for large N lattice gauge theory, Physics Letters B Volume 120, Issues 1–3, 6 January 1983, Pages 174-178 (doi:10.1016/0370-2693(83)90647-0)
A. Gonzalez-Arroyo, M. Okawa, Twisted-Eguchi-Kawai model: A reduced model for large- N lattice gauge theory, Phys. Rev. D 27, 2397 (1983) (doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.27.2397)
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