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I have expanded at steering committee (nlabmeta) the part on how (not to) contact the steering committee:
One minor thing. Currently, only the “latest changes” category allows anonymous comments. Every other category requires an account here. Maybe we should allow anonymous comments on some other category as well to make it easier to contact us.
(In particular, I note that the reason why this was added has not yet been announced here - I’ll do so in a moment)
Currently, only the “latest changes” category allows anonymous comments. Every other category requires an account here. Maybe we should allow anonymous comments on some other category as well to make it easier to contact us.
Logically speaking, if we allow anonymous users to make changes to the nLab – which we certainly and (I suppose) wholeheartedly do – then these anonymous users should just as well be allowed to post general comments on the nLab here. Hence at least nLab-General should be open to anonymous posts.
Any changes to the nLab itself should be logged to the ’latest changes’ area. There’s an argument for keeping anonymous posting out of the other areas since those tend to contain discussions of a more general nature pertaining to the nLab and then I’m more interested in hearing the opinions of people who have demonstrated some sort of a commitment to the project. I had in mind more of a special “Contact Us” category.
One could argue, in fact, that the news of the wikipedia page could well be justified as being put in the ’latest changes’ category! In which case, the new category wouldn’t be needed; rather the fact that anonymous posting is allowed in ’latest changes’ should be emphasised.
The new “welcome message” that one gets when looking at the nForum and not being logged on does mention that some categories allow anonymous posting, but it doesn’t say which so a simple solution would be to point that out.
What about adding a “Contact Us” to the nLab Home Page that brings anyone who clicks it here?
What about adding a “Contact Us” to the nLab Home Page that brings anyone who clicks it here?
Yes, good idea. Does anyone feel like doing a major re-edit of the nLab HomePage? I know that I am to a good part responsible for the way it looks, but I feel eventually it needs to look differently.
But I agree that among the things that should be visible more prominently there is the link to the nForum.
I edited the HomePage slightly.
I inserted this new paragraoh after the first standout box
While we work on the nLab, we talk to each other on the nForum. We inform ourselves about latest edits to the nLab in the part nForum – latest changes. Have a look around there. If after a while you feel like contributing yourself, you are welcome to do so.
Then after that I added a horizontal line, in order to separate the absolutely crucial information from the part that starts going into more details.
Added one more sentence to the above paragraph:
But read About to be sure you understand what we are doing here (to the extent that we understand this ourselves, at least).
Please feel free to criticize and improve.
I restructured HomePage a bit more. Inevitably, I added a toc :-)
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