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at signature we should eventually think about some disambiguation. There are many things in math called “signature”- For instance the signature of a permutation.
thanks, Todd. For the moment I just added a link at the disambiguation page also to your signature-page.
Not to resurrect a sore subject, but we tend to also use the word signature in describing metrics. Not sure how that fits in with what is already there.
another major signature-topic would be the signature-genus. Also to be written…
right, I see we are in trouble already: elliptic cohomology had a link to signature, but meant is the signature genus. Now it points to signature in logic.
Todd, if you don’t mind, I am now going to name the disambiguation page just “signature”, so that in case of doubt people see the disambiguation page, and then I will rename your signature enttry into something more specific. What would be a good choice. Maybe “signature (in logic)” ?
Cache bug is messing up the signature, signature (in logic) and signature (disambiguation) pages. I can’t get to the last one, as it redirects to signature, which for me is what is now signature (in logic).
there was probably a misunderstanding. While you write
Of course I don’t mind
you then reverted my changes when you
jotted down what I am driving at at signature.
I have now re-reverted it. Let’s see if we can agree on this:
the page signature (in logic) contains the material that a few hours back you typed into signature;
the page signature is what was originally your “signature (disambiguation)”. I think if there is need for a disambiguation page, then that disambiguation page must have just the ambiguous keyword as its title. Otherwise it won’t serve the desired purpose. Previous pages of this kind include for instance homotopy.
FWIW, I like Urs suggested way to handle disambiguation, i.e. a page with simply the ambiguous name as title with a list of links to the various uses of that word. Maybe a few words thrown in to explain what’s going on as in signature.
Probably the cache bug interfering. It keeps surprising me what that bug can do.
But never mind, at least I could revert everything. sometimes it happens that the cache bug messes up things and then even prevents us from fixing them. Anyway, it’s all good now.
My first association is Hirzebruch signature, regarding that the topology is the main topic in nlab so far…
Slightly expanded signature of a permutation.
Added the observation to signature of a permutation that computing the parity of the number of even-length cycles gives a perfectly respectable definition of the group homomorphism to {1,−1}.
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