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Our admin Richard Williamson is probably the only one here who can say anything substantial on this question. Maybe you might want to contact him by email.
Just briefly, a quick comment that I can make:
Experience shows that duplicating the nLab installation is rather non-trivial. I don’t actually know why, I guess it’s due the whole edifice being a layer-cake of incremental additions by a variety of different people.
But of course on the bottom of it all, the nLab is an Instiki installation, and, ironically for us, Instiki is, or used to be, advertised as that wiki platform which is easy to install.
I suppose for bare Instiki this is actually the case, and so maybe that’s what you might want to try. If you google for “Instiki” you will find instructions.
On the other hand, the TikZ-functionality that you mention is probably not part of bare Instiki, and I don’t know how hard that is to add. Maybe that defeats the point of you going for Instiki in the first place.
nLab’s source code is available here: https://github.com/ncatlab
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