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I was reading through the notes on surface diagrams in Todd Trimble’s nlab (https://ncatlab.org/toddtrimble/published/Surface+diagrams#idea), however some of the images seem to be missing. Does anyone here (hopefully Todd) know if they’re dead links or something like that, or if the images were never filled in? Either way the notes are excellent and I’m enjoying reading through them, when I have some time on my hands I’d be interested in trying to pick up where things left off and hearing about any more recent developments.
As it turns out, there may be some recent developments – I’ve been exchanging some emails with someone who has some ideas on how to remedy the problem around where I petered out.
I could probably use some technical assistance with pictures though. Are you good at such things?
I’ll have to familiarize myself with the proper latex syntax, but once I’m over the learning curve hump I’d love to try and create appropriate images for the notes. Did you use TikZ for the nice looking ones that appear on the page?
Incidentally, I was working on trying to develop a proof method for the general conjectured semistrictification theorems at higher levels about a year and a half ago but I ended up dropping it; this Poincaré duality for globular diagrams smells like a missing ingredient in the attempt.
Ah, no, did not use TikZ. (I’ve only used TikZ fairly recently.)
What package did you use to create them? I only have experience with xymatrix, but I thought there might be a simpler package or easier way to do it.
Looking into it further, I think the graphs/polygons/lattices functionality of xypic can be abused to create the type of diagram needed for the notes, I’ll try to come up with something by tonight.
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