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a bare list of historical references, prompted by what Dmitri started here, to be !include
-ed into the lists of references of relevant entries, such as at cohomology, cochain cohomology, singular cohomology, cellular cohomology and probably elsewhere, too
I have removed the line below the pointer to Kenneth Brown’s 1973 article, claiming that his results were
probably known in one form or other before that.
I see no evidence that this is true. On the contrary, this article is striking in how it established results that did not become widely understood until several decades later, when ∞-topos theory finally took off.
Hm, chasing through the page histories, it looks like I myself added that clause back in 2009 here. There I had it say “apparently” instead of “probably”. I forget what this was referring to. If anyone knows a good reason to add such a disclaimer, then let’s add it back in with some kind of evidence supporting it.
added pointer to:
Michael Barr, Cartan-Eilenberg cohomology and triples, J. Pure Applied Algebra 112 3 (1996) 219–238 [doi:10.1016/0022-4049(95)00138-7, pdf, Barr-CECohomology.pdf:file]
Michael Barr, Algebraic cohomology: the early days, in Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras, and Semiabelian Categories, Fields Institute Communications 43 (2004) 1–26 [doi:10.1090/fic/043, pdf, Barr-AlgebraicCohomology.pdf:file]
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