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I added the description of lax (co)limits of Cat-valued functors via (co)ends and ordinary (co)limits. I should probably flesh this out more.
I’ve adopted the convention on twisted arrows at twisted arrow category, which is opposite of that in GNN.
In the case of ordinary 2-category, when the diagram category is a 1-category, is the expression of lax (co)limits via ordinary weighted (co)limits really as simple as taking the weights C•/ or C/•? I can’t find a reference that spells that out clearly; if there really is such a simple description it should be put on the lax (co)limit page.
Added a computation of how (op)lax (co)limits are expressed via the Grothendieck construction, and connected the calculation to the intuition that, e.g., functors between cocartesian fibrations (that don’t necessarily preserve cocartesian morphisms) can be thought of as corresponding to lax natural transformations.
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