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As described at funding of the nLab, the nLab is moving to the cloud! We will be collaborating with the Topos Institute; as again described at funding of the nLab, the Topos Institute will be handling the actual finances, and in particular the handling of donations.
We are now opening for a first round of donations! The goal is to raise enough to support the running of the nLab for a number of years in the cloud. I think it is not unrealistic to hope that we can raise several thousand USD, which would support us for a long time. Many people have indicated previously that they would be willing to donate something.
Please donate something if you can! You can make a donation at the following link:
Click ’Donate’, and then select ’nLab Online Wiki Restricted Fund’ in the field ’My donation is for’. As mentioned at funding of the nLab, we will not make donations public (though of course feel free to announce here if you do make a donation, you of course do not need to mention how much!); the contact details are just necessary for the payment to go through.
For now, I think the plan is just to make this announcement here, and to spread it by word of mouth: feel free to spread the word however you wish, e.g. on social media.
I would like too to put a discreet notice at the top of the nLab indicating that we are raising funds, with the option to hide this message; but I have not received clear support for this idea. Please let me know if you think we should do this.
Brendan (Fong) will keep me updated about the progress of the funding; I will post here when we reach notable milestones, or otherwise at intervals.
We need a vivid donate button, that says
and comes with background information.
Richard, please do go ahead with adding a discreet notice to nLab pages. It was a misunderstanding.
If you see this, David C or Mike, would it be possible for you or John Baez to make a quick n-category café post alerting to the fact that the nLab is asking for donations, pointing to funding of the nLab?
I’ve just posted there.
Perfect, thanks!
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