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-entry for hyperlinking references at G-CW-complex and at equivariant Whitehead theorem, in fact for recording these references:
Takao Matumoto, On G-CW complexes and a theorem of JHC Whitehead, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA 18, 363-374, 1971
Takao Matumoto, _Equivariant K-theory and Fredholm operators, J. Fac. Sci. Tokyo 18 (1971/72), 109-112 (pdf, MatumotoEquivariantKTheory.pdf:file)
I am not sure if I am correctly identifying webpages related to this author:
The MathsGenealogy page here would plausibly be the correct one – except that it lists a PhD in 1976, while the articles above – which seem to be the author’s main results – are from 1971 !?
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