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added the statement that
The stable tangent bundle of a unit sphere bundle S(𝒱) in a real vector bundle 𝒱p⟶M (Example \ref{UnitSphereBundles}) over a smooth manifold M is isomorphic to the pullback of the direct sum of the stable tangent bundle of the base manifold with that vector bundle:
TstabS(𝒱)≃S(p)*(TstabM⊕M𝒱).Still need to add a more canonical reference and/or a proof.
added pointer to p. 403 in
where this statement appears somewhat between the lines.
I have spelled out (here) a purely homotopy-type theoretic proof that the once-stabilized vertical tangent bundle to a sphere bundle associated to a vector bundle is the pullback of that vector bundle.
(This is, somewhat implicitly, from Sec. 3 of our Twisted Cohomotopy implies M5-brane anomaly cancellation. Making it more explicit now in v2.)
Incidentally, the tikzd diagrams don’t all come out scaled quite as intended: it seems that scaling just the columns with, say, [colum sep=tiny]
, scales also the rows, here on the nLab.
added a concluding remark, to highlight:
Prop. \ref{StableTangentBundleOfUnitSphereBundle} implies that every stable characteristic class of the tangent bundle of an orthogonal sphere-fiber bundle – i.e all polynomials in its Pontryagin classes – are basic, i.e. pulled back from the base space.
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to:
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