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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
Interestingly, he seems to get the point of Hegel on the Absolute, that a map to the unit type provides no bits of information. Perhaps [0,X]≅[Y,1].
Compare “empty context” for the unit type when regarded as a context.
I’ve tried to look around a little on that Entity Modelling website, but I don’t have a clear picture yet what it’s doing.
It seems Cartmell went off into industry after academic work on contextual categories that’s become relevant for HoTT practitioners. This entity modelling seems to be about representing an everyday conceptualisation of the world.
added pointer to
(however, I had to compress this pdf so much make it fit into the server’s file size constraint that now the quality is rather bad)
Interestingly, I believe that for John, the entity modeling stuff is really part of a continuous/long-term line of interest that was present in his work on GATs.
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