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stub for 2-topos (mostly so that the links we have to it do point somewhere at least a little bit useful)
Added the reference
I feel like some work (that I don’t feel up to at the moment) could be put into clarifying which notions of 2-topos are being invoked in the statements at various points. For example, I expect Theorem 2.2 could be clarified, by starting off with “For 𝒳 a 2-topos of 2-sheaves on a 2-site” (instead of just “For 𝒳 a 2-topos”) because nowhere on the page appears a definite definition of 2-topos. Anyway, the page in its current state has a waffly appearance; perhaps the state of the art has improved since it was first written.
I have added that assumption of “2-sheaf 2-topos” to the theore (here). My vague memory is that this theorem was formulated in order to condense the implication of the two theorems cited in the proof. Following the link to these, the assumptions are stated more clearly.
(Not that I disagree that this entry, like most, would deserve to be improved.)
While at it, I have added the publication data for this reference:
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