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I have added
and added publication details to
and grouped together more discernibly the references on operator-algebraic entropy
Thanks for the alert. Could you say which section of the entry you are referring to, and/or which equation? – I have now made all equations carry a numbering.
In quantum mechanics, the basic notion is the von Neumann entropy defined in terms of density matrix. For type III von Neumann algebras the density matrix is not well defined (physically, the problem is usually in ultraviolet divergences). Von Neumann entropy is generalized to arbitrary semifinite von Neumann algebra in
A note relating Irving Segal’s notion to relative entropy is
(Please check)
Category-theoretic characterizations of entropy are discussed in
Cheuk Ting Li, _A Characterization of Entropy as a Universal Monoidal Natural Transformation _ (arXiv:2308.05742)
Does anyone happen to know a book or review paper that discusses the notion of entropy for a probability field (i.e. the supremum over finite disjoint covers of X via elements of the σ-algebra) that is mentioned here? It’s very interesting, but I don’t seem to be able to locate any references to this particular definition. Also, why is it over finite covers of X rather than countable ones? A σ-algebra is closed under countable unions, so this puzzles me. I’m sure there must be a good reason, perhaps related to the supremum as a limit, but it’s not immediately obvious to me.
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