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added pointer to:
added pointer to:
added pointer to the original
and cross-linked with Eilenberg-Zilber map
I have expanded (here) the section on examples a tad, making more explicit the form of the non-degenerate simplices in Δ[1]×Δ[n] for general n.
In the course of this I have worked a bit on the outline of the entry. I have tried to disentangle general discussion of products of simplicial sets in a first section, from discussion of non-degenerate cells in a second session. I have also turned some really small subsections into numbered remarks, instead. There is still more one could do along these lines, but I’ll leave it as is for now.
I have re-written the proposition (here) on the non-degenerate simplices in Δ[p]×Δ[q], now highlighting the transparent characterization as the strictly monotone morphisms of posets
Δ[p+q]⟶Δ[p]×Δ[q].This immediately yields the path-notation, for which I added an illustrating tikz-graphics.
Yes, thanks!!
I’m seeing a lot of broken image links from presheaf.com which seems to be down right now.
I can find no notice that Vlad Patryshev has abandoned that site and since he is active on twitter I presume it is only a temporary outage.
All of those images need to be locally rendered, which can be done now.
EDIT: fixed presheaf.com link
Tim, these images are from your original version of the entry, aren’t they?
I did a lot of cleaning up here (or I tried), but I left untouched, for the moment, your material in what is now Section 4 and Section 5, which is where the broken images reside.
I have not used presheaf.com as far as I can recall. If I have time, I will look back to see when they were added and to try to see what they were intended to be. The problem would seem to be a tikzcddiagram the gives an error message. I do not use tikzcd at present and would not have used it for that diagram. I still use xypic.
I checked back, and the original diagram was done in xypic but using codecogs so someone replaced it.
I have replaced the faulty diagram with one produced on xypic. (The old one was I think a copy of the one that was given above it.) I am not sure how to alter the spacing which is a bit too expansive.
BTW the editing process is calling presheaf.com and seems unable to connect or to terminate.
Coming back to this entry, I have merged the takeaway message of the previously verbose explanation of the shuffle-perspective into the section “Characterization” (here, starting with adding shuffle labels to the big example tikzcd
In doing so I spotted that the last proposition of this section had been wrong all along, and I have fixed it. I believe. Have to run now, though, will polish this up later.
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