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Analytic monads are monads on Set that correspond to operads in Set.
More precisely, an operad in Set induced a monad on Set:
Such a monad is equipped with a canonical weakly cartesian natural transformation to the moand arising from the commutative operad.
A theorem of Joyal \cite{Joyal} states that there is a monoidal equivalence between the monoidal category of endofunctors that admits a weakly cartesian natural transformation to and the monoidal category of species, i.e., symmetric sequences in Set with the substitution product.
In particular, the category of analytic monads on Set is equivalent to the category of operads in Set.
The correspondence carries over to colored operads (with a set of colors ) if we use the slice category instead of Set.
A similar correspondence can be established for nonsymmetric case, except that we must include the data of a transformation to , which is no longer unique.
The correspondence generalizes to (∞,1)-categories, with some statements becoming more elegant. See Gepner–Haugseng–Kock \cite{GHK}.
André Joyal, Foncteurs analytiques et espèces de structures, Combinatoire énumérative (Montréal/Québec, 1985), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1234 (1986), 126-159. doi.
Mark Weber, Generic morphisms, parametric representations and weakly Cartesian monads, Theory Appl. Categ. 13 (2004), 191–234.
David Gepner, Rune Haugseng, Joachim Kock, ∞-Operads as Analytic Monads, arXiv:1712.06469.
A similar correspondence can be established for nonsymmetric case, except that we must include the data of a transformation to Sym, which is no longer unique.
What is meant by this sentence, considering that there may be nonisomorphic nonsymmetric operads that induce isomorphic monads (as proved in Leinster’s Are Operads Algebraic Theories?).
What is meant by this sentence, considering that there may be nonisomorphic nonsymmetric operads that induce isomorphic monads (as proved in Leinster’s Are Operads Algebraic Theories?).
Exactly what is written: the date of a transformation to Sym must be included together with the monad, to get an equivalence of categories.
Thanks for the clarification. Does “transformation” here refer to a monad morphism, so that the precise statement is ?
Re #6: Operads are by definition symmetric (as defined originally by May), so the left side should say NonsymmetricOperad, not Operad.
For the right side, the transformations must be cartesian, unlike the symmetric case, in which they are only weakly cartesian.
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