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What I wrote was already a definition!
I’ve never heard this terminology “coclosed bicategory”, do you have a reference? I’m wary particularly of “biclosed bicategory” because I think I’ve heard that used to mean what here we’ve called just a “closed bicategory” (i.e. admitting both right extensions and right lifts, either one being a sort of “left closed” or “right closed”).
What I wrote was already a definition!
I didn’t say that there wasn’t already a definition, just that I added (a new) one ;) I’ve tweaked the introduction to make it clearer those are two equivalent definitions.
I’ve never heard this terminology “coclosed bicategory”, do you have a reference?
I’ve seen it used in a few places, e.g. An extended view of the Chu-construction, Morphisms and modules for poly-bicategories, Weak units, universal cells, and coherence via universality for bicategories. It’s also the natural naming convention.
I agree “biclosed bicategory” is less clear, and I have also seen it to mean “closed” in the sense of the nLab page. However, I do think it’s a sensible naming convention. Do you have any alternative suggestions? Perhaps it’s an uncommon enough concept that it’s not necessary to give a name.
I’d probably say “closed and co-closed” if I had to.
Added example to Span(E) being a closed bicategory and the earliest reference of this fact that I could find:
added pointer to:
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