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added pointer to:
added pointer to:
So, I have tried to clean up this entry by adding more numbered environments for the various definitions and statements and more cross-links between them.
For the proposition that regular epis with kernel pairs are effective epis I have adjoined the reference to Taylor 1999 by one to Borceux 1994.
Then I made explicit the resulting statement and proof (here) that in a regular category effective epis are preserved by pullback.
(Should copy much of this over to effective epimorphism, too.)
So, I have tried to clean up this entry by adding more numbered environments for the various definitions and statements and more cross-links between them.
For the proposition that regular epis with kernel pairs are effective epis I have adjoined the reference to Taylor 1999 by one to Borceux 1994.
Then I made explicit the resulting statement and proof (here) that in a regular category effective epis are preserved by pullback.
(Should copy much of this over to effective epimorphism, too.)
added pointer to
for the claim that every epimorphism in a topos is regular
the usual procedure is to consider the smallest class of arrows inside regular epis of which all pullbacks exist, namely the surjective submersions.
This seems like a silly mistake: the smallest such class of arrows is the class of isomorphisms, or probably even the class of identity morphisms, if we don’t require isomorphism invariance.
I have changed this to “largest class of arrows”
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